Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 20 Apr 2000 06:14:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT on 04/20/2000
01:13 PM ---------------------------

Oscar Dalton
04/20/2000 11:44 AM
To: Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: cipco


My thoughts on the Central Iowa Power Cooperative RFP

Let me know what you think

1. We will develop two GE 7 EA's. Unit 1 operational 5/1/01. Unit 2
operational 5/1/02

2. We will use the Ogden/Boone County Site being secured by John Moore. The
site is 1/4 mile from Northern Natural Gas Mainline. Also, Ameren 345 Kv and
Alliant 115Kv line onsite. Assume interconnects to both of these systems.
Please break out cost for each.

3. Assume no fuel oil back-up

4. Assume no black start

5. Design the units to be later converted to combined cycle.

6. Assume water injection for nox control.

7. Assume portable de-min water facilities

8. Assume Enron does EPC

9. Assume CIPCO will finance and own the plant through ther term of the PSA
and thereafter

10. Assume CIPCO will execute a power sales agreement (PSA) with Enron from
5/1/01 through 10/31/07