Enron Mail

Subject:ENRON -- Information requests resulting from Lincoln Energy Cente r
Date:Sat, 21 Oct 2000 15:32:00 -0700 (PDT)

Cc: jlapcev@alleghenyenergy.com, tpezze@alleghenyenergy.com
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Bcc: jlapcev@alleghenyenergy.com, tpezze@alleghenyenergy.com
X-From: "Irwin, Thomas J." <TIRWIN@alleghenyenergy.com<
X-To: "'benjamin.rogers@enron.com'" <benjamin.rogers@enron.com<
X-cc: "Lapcevic, Joseph P." <JLAPCEV@alleghenyenergy.com<, "Pezze, Thomas A." <TPEZZE@alleghenyenergy.com<
X-Folder: \Benjamin_Rogers_Dec2000_4\Notes Folders\Genco-jv_ipo
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The following requests resulted from our site visit to Lincoln Plant on
October 20, 2000:
1. We have received a CD with Project Drawings. We will be reviewing
them shortly. Please send Seimens drawings when available.
2. Please provide documents that contain operating budget for Lincoln.
3. Please provide the O&M contract with Operational Energy Corporation.
4. Please provide water chemistry analysis for wells or identify
document on DealBench.
5. Please provide copy of standard operating procedure for the plant.
6. Please provide equivalent starts and equivalent base hours for all

The following requests resulted from our site visit to Wheatland Plant on
October 20, 2000:
1. We have received a CD with Project Drawings. We will be reviewing
them shortly. Please send Seimens drawings when available.
2. Please provide documents that contain operating budget for Lincoln.
3. Please provide the O&M contract with Operational Energy Corporation.
4. Please provide copy of standard operating procedure for the plant.
5. Please provide equivalent starts and equivalent base hours for all
6. Please provide engineering details of RTU module and associated
equipment used for plant dispatch.
7. Please provide any available information on Westinghouse contract.
8. Please provide chart and guarantee curves for CTs.
9. Please provide your calculations supporting the 902 hour annual
operating limit.
10. Please status of NPDES application and any associated