Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 14 Sep 2001 05:52:13 -0700 (PDT)

Mike Gioffre

From: "Joe McNichol" <joemc5cent@hotmail.com<
To: monaghanm@hotmail.com, alan_waugh@yahoo.com, amy_pittman@timeinc.com,
KIERNOGGIN@aol.com, brianpcurran@yahoo.com, carolyn.smiley@ibx.com,
imburgia_christopher@jpmorgan.com, Clytle12@aol.com, ggarcia@urbanmedia.com,
68tsikitas@cua.edu, jmlunz@yahoo.com, jim@assetstaffing.com,
JMcCaffrey@batesww.com, john.e.obrien@us.pwcglobal.com, jdcq44@att.net,
ksheahan@gmrmarketing.com, lisagcox@yahoo.com, MTCorboy@aol.com,
MLASKY@HAHNHESSEN.COM, MStanton@discus.org, megallagher26@hotmail.com,
Michelle.Sautter@ibx.com, dgioffre@hotmail.com, kowalski_m@hotmail.com,
PaulJappe@aol.com, Robg83@aol.com, smf1205@yahoo.com, AAKS3@aol.com,
tara.walsh@AIG.com, MJBCTFUREY@aol.com
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 04:19:04 -0400

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From: "Joe McNichol" <joemc5cent@hotmail.com<
To: monaghanm@hotmail.com, alan_waugh@yahoo.com, amy_pittman@timeinc.com, KIERNOGGIN@aol.com, brianpcurran@yahoo.com, carolyn.smiley@ibx.com, imburgia_christopher@jpmorgan.com, Clytle12@aol.com, ggarcia@urbanmedia.com, 68tsikitas@cua.edu, jmlunz@yahoo.com, jim@assetstaffing.com, JMcCaffrey@batesww.com, john.e.obrien@us.pwcglobal.com, jdcq44@att.net, ksheahan@gmrmarketing.com, lisagcox@yahoo.com, MTCorboy@aol.com, MLASKY@HAHNHESSEN.COM, MStanton@discus.org, megallagher26@hotmail.com, Michelle.Sautter@ibx.com, dgioffre@hotmail.com, kowalski_m@hotmail.com, PaulJappe@aol.com, Robg83@aol.com, smf1205@yahoo.com, AAKS3@aol.com, tara.walsh@AIG.com, MJBCTFUREY@aol.com
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 04:19:04 -0400
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I am hopeing that this note finds everyone healthy. We have spent a rough few days together, yet for myself today beacame much more difficult. I, unforunately, had to watch a segment on NBC with Sheila Brown, Class of '96, holding a picture of a loved one. I've been fortunate enough to have my friends return safely home, yet Sheila is still searching for her loved one. Please inform me if you Tara Drake's e-mail address. Last I know she worked for MTV.
Sheila was my girlfriend for awile, and you who know me,know I don't say that very often. She is a special women who needs to hear from her friends now. I would appreciate everyones help. I am thinking of all of you!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you, your families, and your co-workers.
