Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 15 Sep 2000 11:30:00 -0700 (PDT)

As you may be aware, the Year-End PRC for 2000 is quickly approaching and
your assistance is needed in ensuring a smooth process. It is imperative that
you supply your correct reviewing supervisor so you are represented properly
during reviews. Additionally, the Performance Management team requires this
information to facilitate the PRC process. The reviewing supervisor that you
report to as of October 1, 2000 is the person that will provide your year-end
individual performance feedback.

The information stored in our database regarding your current rotation is
below. Please review all information and make any updates to the right of
what was sent, preferably in a different font or color. The supervisor listed
below is also receiving this information for review.

In order to meet the Performance Management Team's deadline, your reply is
needed by Friday, September 22, 2000. Please respond even if the information
is correct and no adjustments are necessary. If you will be in a different
department as of October 1st, please provide us with your new information and
reviewing supervisor. We appreciate your assistance in this matter.

NOTE: This would also be a great time for you to send an electronic copy of
your resume to this email address so the database is updated with your most
current resume.

Name : Ben Rogers
E-mail : Benjamin.Rogers@enron.com
Title : Associate
Phone : 3-7998
Location : EB2963b
Department : NA-Capital Structuring
Company Name : ENA
Company Number : 0413
Cost Center : 105729
Rotation Start : 8/1/2000
Rotation End :
Reviewing Supervisor: Jeffrey Donahue

Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Please feel free to call Shelly
Butler @
713-853-4584 or Jana Giovannini @ 713-853-9233 with any questions you might