Enron Mail

To:bryan.kimzey@csfb.com, wexler@pdq.net, andrews@calpine.com,bburleson@bofasecurities.com, bcstrong@ichips.intel.com, brogers2@enron.com, bhenry1972@aol.com, wiglesias@rioenergy.com, cmcwhert@bankunited.com, bradhughes88@hotmail.com, brett_martin@dell
Subject:Re: Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue/Calendar
Date:Wed, 22 Mar 2000 04:34:00 -0800 (PST)

That is a very risky request.
----- Original Message -----
From: Kimzey, Bryan <bryan.kimzey@csfb.com<
To: Adam Wexler (E-mail) <wexler@pdq.net<; Andrew Slocum (E-mail)
<andrews@calpine.com<; Baker Burleson (E-mail)
<bburleson@bofasecurities.com<; Beeman Strong (E-mail)
<bcstrong@ichips.intel.com<; Ben Rogers (E-mail) <brogers2@enron.com<;
Benson Henry (E-mail) <bhenry1972@aol.com<; Billy Iglesias (E-mail)
<wiglesias@rioenergy.com<; Blake McWherter (E-mail)
<cmcwhert@bankunited.com<; Brad Hughes (E-mail) <bradhughes88@hotmail.com<;
Brett Martin (E-mail) <brett_martin@dell.com<; Brian Austin (E-mail)
<baustin@gables.com<; Brian Jinks (E-mail) <Brian.Jinks@Bus.utexas.edu<;
Carleton McHenry (E-mail) <cmchenry@pdq.net<; Clay Page (E-mail)
<cpage@rwconlp.com<; Clint Cobb (E-mail) <clintc@rocketball.com<; Craig
Friou (E-mail) <craig.p.friou@us.pwcglobal.com<; Curt Crofford (E-mail)
<ccrofford@dlj.com<; Dent, Dick (E-mail) <adent@fulbright.com<; Dirk Gnam
(E-mail) <Derrick_Gnam@dell.com<; Ed Solar
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 12:26 PM
Subject: Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue/Calendar

< Gentlemen,
< Does anyone have the new electronic Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue or
< Calendar?
< My boss is looking for a copy and keeps asking me for it, expecting
< but the best.
< So far, I have nothing to give him, so I would appreciate your help in
< endeavor.
< Thanks,
< W. Bryan Kimzey
< Global Energy & Project Finance Group
< Work: (212) 325-6198
< Fax: (212) 743-2165
< This message is for the named person's use only. It may contain
< confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. No
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