Enron Mail

Subject:The Motley Fool User Name and Password Reminder
Date:Thu, 5 Oct 2000 17:18:00 -0700 (PDT)

Greetings from The Motley Fool!
Forgot your Password or User Name did you? Well, here ya go!

(Note: If you did not request that this info be re-sent,
please disregard this message.)

Your account information follows:

User Name: benrogers
Password: RhumbaCelery

The password is not case sensitive. If you want to change
your password go to http://boards.fool.com/EditPassword.asp
(you will need to log-in with your current password first)

Now you can post on our boards, check your portfolio, and
experience the Fool as it was meant to be. We hope you enjoy
our site, and if you have any suggestions or comments, please
let us know at FoolBoards@Fool.com.

See ya in Fooldom!