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-----Original Message----- From: =09Walker, Chris =20 Sent:=09Wednesday, October 31, 2001 9:42 AM To:=09Rogers, Benjamin Cc:=09Meredith, Kevin Subject:=09FW: ISO NY Real time financial index Ben, Please see the descriptions below: A US Power financial Swap Transaction with Enron North America Corp. under = which the Seller pays a Floating Price and the Buyer pays the price submitt= ed by Counterparty on the Website (the Fixed Price) in respect of the Notio= nal Quantity per Determination Period. The Notional Quantity per Determinat= ion Period shall be the volume submitted by Counterparty on the Website, mu= ltiplied by the number of applicable hours in such Determination Period. Ea= ch calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Determinatio= n Period; provided that, if the term of the Transaction is less than one ca= lendar month the Determination Period shall be the term of the Transaction.= The Payment Date(s) for Transactions which are less than one month will be= the fifth (5th) Business Day following the last day of the month that incl= udes the Determination Period. The Payment Date(s) for Transactions which a= re one month or longer will be the fifth (5th) Business Day following the d= ate on which the Floating Price is determinable. The term of the Transaction shall correspond to the date(s) set forth in th= e Product description on the Website. The Floating Price during a Determination Period shall be the average of th= e real-time prices listed in the Index for electricity delivered during the= applicable hours on each Delivery Day during the applicable Determination = Period. The Floating Price for each Determination Period shall be calculat= ed utilizing the hourly clearing prices published by the New York Independe= nt System Operator on its official web site currently located at http://www= .nyiso.com/oasis/index.html, or any successor thereto, under the headings "= Real Time Market LBMP - Zonal; LBMP ($/MWHr); WEST (61752)" (the "Index"). The price is quoted in US Dollars per unit of volume, which will be the Con= tractual Currency. The unit of measure against which the price is quoted shall be megawatt-hou= rs (MWh) and the quantity shown shall be in MW's delivered in each applicab= le hour for the duration of the Transaction (the "Hourly Quantity'). The transaction is for on-peak ("Peak") hours on each Delivery Day beginnin= g with the hour ending 0800 (7:00 am) and concluding with the hour ending 2= 300 (11:00 pm) Eastern Prevailing Time. 'Delivery Day' means a day during = the term of the transaction that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday = or Friday, excluding any day that is a NERC holiday. -----Original Message----- From: =09Hansen, Leslie =20 Sent:=09Monday, October 29, 2001 9:45 AM To:=09Walker, Chris Subject:=09RE: ISO NY Real time financial index Chris: The language is fine, except replace "Zonal Prices" as the third heading re= ference below with "LBMP ($/MWHr)" -- ex. "Real Time Market LBMP - Zonal; L= BMP ($/MWHr); WEST (61752)". Leslie -----Original Message----- From: =09Walker, Chris =20 Sent:=09Friday, October 26, 2001 10:04 AM To:=09Hansen, Leslie Cc:=09Meredith, Kevin; Rogers, Benjamin Subject:=09ISO NY Real time financial index Leslie, Please review the index language below that Ben Rogers would like to offer = on EOL. Thanks, Chris 3-7533 ISO NY Z-A RT The Floating Price during a Determination Period shall be the average of th= e real-time prices listed in the Index for electricity delivered during the= applicable hours on each Delivery Day during the applicable Determination = Period. The Floating Price for each Determination Period shall be calculat= ed utilizing the hourly clearing prices published by the New York Independe= nt System Operator on its official web site currently located at http://www= .nyiso.com/oasis/index.html, or any successor thereto, under the headings "= Real Time Market LBMP - Zonal; LBMP ($/MWHr); WEST (61752)" (the "Index"). ISO NY Z-G RT The Floating Price during a Determination Period shall be the average of th= e real-time prices listed in the Index for electricity delivered during the= applicable hours on each Delivery Day during the applicable Determination = Period. The Floating Price for each Determination Period shall be calculat= ed utilizing the hourly clearing prices published by the New York Independe= nt System Operator on its official web site currently located at http://www= .nyiso.com/oasis/index.html, or any successor thereto, under the headings "= Real Time Market LBMP - Zonal; LBMP ($/MWHr); HUD VL (61758)" (the "Index"= ). ISO NY Z-J RT The Floating Price during a Determination Period shall be the average of th= e real-time prices listed in the Index for electricity delivered during the= applicable hours on each Delivery Day during the applicable Determination = Period. The Floating Price for each Determination Period shall be calculat= ed utilizing the hourly clearing prices published by the New York Independe= nt System Operator on its official web site currently located at http://www= .nyiso.com/oasis/index.html, or any successor thereto, under the headings "= Real Time Market LBMP - Zonal; LBMP ($/MWHr); N.Y.C. (61761)" (the "Index"= ).