Enron Mail

Subject:RE: weird thing!!
Date:Fri, 21 Sep 2001 08:10:29 -0700 (PDT)

Carefull - Don't make me deny you of sex!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: megan rogers <megrogers_99@yahoo.com<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-megan+20rogers+20+3Cmegrogers+5F99+40yahoo+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 10:08 AM
To: Rogers, Benjamin
Subject: RE: weird thing!!

I didn't make it up--
you're the one always on the internet!! or watching tv


--- Benjamin.Rogers@enron.com wrote:
< WIERD!!! Someone has too much free time on their
< hands.
< -----Original Message-----
< From: megan rogers
< <megrogers_99@yahoo.com<@ENRON
< Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 8:09 AM
< To: Rogers, Benjamin
< Subject: weird thing!!
< Ben,
< Check this out:
< 1. Go to MS word and type Q33 NY (the number of
< the
< first plane that crashed into the WTC)
< 2. Increase the font to 65
< 3. Change the font to Wingdings
< Look at what you have!!!
< Megan
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