Enron Mail |
Cc: andrew.edison@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com, david.portz@enron.com
Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bcc: andrew.edison@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com, david.portz@enron.com X-From: Bonnie White X-To: Doug Gilbert-Smith, Edward D Baughman X-cc: Andrew Edison, Elizabeth Sager, David Portz X-bcc: X-Folder: \Elizabeth_Sager_Jun2001\Notes Folders\All documents X-Origin: Sager-E X-FileName: esager.nsf Doug and Ed, Based upon the additional information you have provided to me, I have revised our draft of EPMI's damages calculation. Please review it ASAP, as I would like to be able to send it to our outside counsel this afternoon. Also, there are a couple of blanks/question marks: Doug, you indicated that you thought you could calculate our sales price per MWH for sales to LCRA during the months of June-September 2000 by getting an index price from your analyst. Also, are we quoting natural gas prices in mcf or mmbtu? Please call with your comments. Thanks. Bonnie J. White Enron Litigation Unit 1400 Smith Street, Suite 4824 Houston, TX 77002 Ph: 713-853-7244 Fax: 713-853-6576 bonnie.white@enron.com