Enron Mail |
---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 03/13/2000
09:06 AM --------------------------- John Llodra@ENRON 03/10/2000 03:53 PM To: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Paul Racicot/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul.Racicot@gte.net Subject: Draft Agreement with NHEC Elizabeth: Per Paul Racicot's voicemail to you, please find attached a draft power supply agrreement between Enron and New Hampshire Electric Coop. (Reference to PSEG in the message body must have been inadvertant). Tracy Ngo ran a credit check on them and found they have been running a deficit, but didn't see that as a problem since we are purchasing non-LD unit contingent power from them. We need to have comments to them by noon Eastern, 11 Am Houston time. Thanks very much for your help, and I'll need to swing by and introduce myself next time I'm down in Houston. I can be reached today, over the weekend, or Monday at the following numbers: Office: 978-449-9936 Home: 978-448-9260 If neither of these work, then: Cell: 978-314-5614 Pager: 877-246-3206 Regards, John ---------------------- Forwarded by John Llodra/Corp/Enron on 03/10/2000 04:20 PM --------------------------- "Wayne Frigard" <wfrigard@rubinrudman.com< on 03/10/2000 02:56:59 PM To: <jllodra@enron.com< cc: <kaminski@nhec.com<, <teichm@nhec.com<, <mayhews@plmnet.com<, "Kenneth Barna" <kbarna@rubinrudman.com< Subject: Draft Agreement with NHEC Attached for your review and comment is a draft Power Supply Agreement between PSEG and NHEC. This draft reflects Enron's most recent offer for the period July 2000 throughAugust 2000. Please have your comments on this draft to me by noon on Monday, March 13. Please plan to be available during the afternoon of March 13 for further discussions with NHEC. If you have any questions, please call. - 8QHY01!.DOC