Enron Mail |
I really don't want to beat this to death, but I'm afraid I don't know how to
be more precise than this note, sent to you a month ago. I didn't leave you a voicemail about this at the time b/c we were already leaving each other lots of voicemails about various deals and I didn't want the details, dates, etc. to get lost. Since 1996 when I came to Enron, I've only stayed with my family during the holidays once -- because of year-end deals. And last Thanksgiving, I spent the whole day on the telephone and flew out to Singapore the day after Thanksgiving to close the SK Korea deal. I know what 4Q is like around here, and I would never have asked except for the extraordinary occasion. I'm sorry, but I just don't think that we're connecting and I don't know how to improve the quality of our communications. ----- Forwarded by Janice R Moore/HOU/ECT on 11/16/2000 03:25 PM ----- Janice R Moore 10/16/2000 06:09 PM To: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: holiday schedules Haven't heard about coordinating schedules for the group yet, and I know there might be some uncertainty just now b/c of the reorgs, but I'd like to know if the following is ok with you. Thanksgiving: I'd like to go to my daughter's baby shower in VA on Sat. 11/18, take my computer, and then work from VA on Mon, Tue, Wed -- rather than flying back here on Monday and flying back there again on Wed. That's assuming there isn't a deal that needs me to go to meetings in Houston (or Singapore, for that matter) during that week. Christmas: I'd like to use all remaining vacation days from 2000 after Christmas and not return til after mid January or after my grandson is born (his due date is 1/3/01), assuming I've used pretty much all vacation for 2001at that point. Travel plans need to be made pretty soon, as you know, so the sooner I get your decision the better. Thanks very much.