Enron Mail |
Tana and Marie:
We need over here copies of the following agreements so that we can send out default notices to counterparties that have failed to post margin. Margin letters were sent out on November 27 and margin is due by the end of today: Media General, Inc. - 7-13-2000 ISDA Societe Generale Paris 12-9-97 Master Swap Agreement Wabash Valley Power Association 1-10-2001 Master Energy Purchase and Sale Agreement El Paso Electric Company 1-22-2001 Master Power Agreement Merced Irrigation District 3-25-99 ISDA Eugene Water & Electric Board (City of Eugene) 10-30-2000 ISDA City of Shasta Lake 11-21-2000 Master power Agreement City of Sanata Clara California 9-10-99 Master Power Agreement Snohomish PUD No. 1 1-26-2001 Master Power Agreement Valley Electric Association Inc. 2-13-2001 Master power Agreement Colorado River Commission 6-6-2000 Master Power Agreement Each contract needs to be checked to see if the due date for posting was today and to see what rights we have to declare an event of default. All copies of response letters should be sent to Stephanie McGinnis who is in conference room 06736 in EB - South. Sara will coordinate with you. Carol St. Clair EB 4539 713-853-3989 (phone) 713-646-8537 (fax) 281-382-1943 (cell phone) 8774545506 (pager) 281-890-8862 (home fax) carol.st.clair@enron.com