Enron Mail |
Per my voice mail message here is what needs to be done with Duke on a first priority basis: 1. Master Netting Agreement - please send the current template form to Janna Blanter (jxblanter@duke-energy.com), Greg Norman (gnorman@duke-energy.com) and George Brown (gvbrown@duke-energy.com). 2. In the short term we have agreed to net margin payments with respect to the ENA ISDA and the EPMI Master Power Agreement. Please prepare an agreement to do this which will terminate once the Master Netting Agreement is signed. 3. The Enron Corp. Guaranty needs to be increased from $100MM to $250 MM. 4. Jeff Hodge will be working on a Master Gas Agreement Carol St. Clair EB 4539 713-853-3989 (phone) 713-646-8537 (fax) 281-382-1943 (cell phone) 8774545506 (pager) 281-890-8862 (home fax) carol.st.clair@enron.com