Enron Mail |
-----Original Message----- From: "Sager, Elizabeth" <Elizabeth.Sager@ENRON.com<@ENRON Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 7:33 PM To: nettelton.marcus@enron.com; hansen.leslie@enron.com Subject: Contract summary project Leslie and Marcus In accordance with my earlier voicemail, attached is a copy of the matrix that needs to be completed for the EEI power (Marcus), WSPP power (Leslie) and GTC power (Leslie) by Friday. Once completed, please email to Julia Murray. Don't hesitate to call with any questions. Thanks so much for the help. Elizabeth 713 854 5747 (Cell) -----Original Message----- From: Murray, Julia Sent: Thu 10/25/2001 4:52 PM To: Cook, Mary; Hodge, Jeffrey T.; Perlingiere, Debra; Aronowitz, Alan; St. Clair, Carol; Sager, Elizabeth; Van Hooser, Steve Cc: McCullough, Travis; Taylor, Mark E (Legal) Subject: FW: Form matrix Attached is the form of Contract Matrix which Travis prepared. Please complete as we have discussed--- based upon the typical forms that you are using. Please also attach the forms of contract so that we have them handy to refer to the exact language. We would very much appreciate if we could get these completed forms no later than Monday morning. If you can complete sooner, even better. Thank you . Julia - Contract Matrix Form.doc << File: Contract Matrix Form.doc <<