Enron Mail |
Cc: sswalters@stoel.com, tebarker@stoel.com
Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bcc: sswalters@stoel.com, tebarker@stoel.com X-From: Steve C Hall X-To: Elizabeth Sager, Christian Yoder X-cc: sswalters@stoel.com@SMTP@enronXgate, tebarker@stoel.com@SMTP@enronXgate X-bcc: X-Folder: \Elizabeth_Sager_Nov2001\Notes Folders\Notes inbox X-Origin: Sager-E X-FileName: esager.nsf Elizabeth and Christian: I just spoke with Steve and he can join us for a conference call tomorrow at 1:00 pm PST to discuss contractual setoffs with WAPA. Unless you hear otherwise, let's assume Christian and I will initiate the call. I am also inviting Todd Barker to the call; Todd is a first-year associate at Stoel Rives who has been helping Steve and me with WAPA research.---sch