Enron Mail

To:martyjo.rogers@axiaenergy.com, hemu@dynegy.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,jcrespo@hess.com, wfhenze@jonesday.com, dperlman@powersrc.com, rosteen@powersrc.com, drusso@reliantenergy.com, babak.pooya@southernenergy.com
Subject:Next Meeting of Drafting Committee
Date:Fri, 18 May 2001 04:24:00 -0700 (PDT)

Reliant has offered to host the next meeting of the drafting committee at
their Houston offices. I have also been asked to set up a drafting meeting
for the purpose of finishing the collateral annex. The participants in that
process would like to hold that meeting in July in Houston. Reliant is
willing to host that meeting as well. Let me know if its ok to take Reliant
up on their offer to host one or both meetings. Also, would holding both
meetings consecutively over two days make sense? Would July work for both
meetings for everyone? Holding a meeting in July will give ample time to
review suggested language and prepare comments. Please let me know.

As a starting point for the optional provisions, I've attached the ones Dede
handed out at our workshop. We still need an electronic trading platform
provision (Babak).

Andrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs
Edison Electric Institute
701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004
Voice: 202-508-5616
Fax: 202-508-5673
e-mail: akatz@eei.org
- TEXT.htm
- Optional Provisions Presentation 051701.doc
- Andy Katz.vcf