Enron Mail

To:mark.haedicke@enron.com, jeffrey.hodge@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,travis.mccullough@enron.com, raa@blakes.com
Subject:Pacific Gas and Electric Company - GTC Summary - PRIVILEGED AND
Date:Sun, 8 Apr 2001 05:07:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Sharon Crawford
X-To: Mark E Haedicke, Jeffrey T Hodge, Elizabeth Sager, Travis McCullough, raa@blakes.com
X-Folder: \Elizabeth_Sager_Jun2001\Notes Folders\Notes inbox
X-Origin: Sager-E
X-FileName: esager.nsf

I attach a summary of the 11 outstanding ECC transactions under ECC's GTC:

In summary, the principal risks are:

Principal Risks:

1. Unexecuted Confirmation Letters on approx. 75,000 GJs per day
2. Receivables (approx. US $25MM pre-petition and approx. US $300K per day
3. MTM (aggregate negative MTM approx. US $1.9MM)

Please note:

1. I am trying to track down PG&E's back-up paper sent for each deal and will
update the chart to indicate the differences to their GTCs. We have found
only one corresponding PG&E Confirmation Letter (for TAGG #N13588.1/2/3)
which refers to PG&E's form of unexecuted Master Agreement. I have
summarized at the end of the chart the applicable provisions of PG&E's Master
Agreement form if it were to govern.

2. I have not been successful in tracking down Canadian insolvency counsel
over the weekend, but will keep trying.