Enron Mail

Subject:Re: WSPP issue
Date:Thu, 30 Nov 2000 05:53:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Dianne H Russo/TTG/HouInd on 11/30/2000
01:52 PM ---------------------------

Dianne H Russo
11/30/2000 01:48 PM

To: Shari.Stack@enron.com
cc: Seger

Subject: Re: WSPP issue (Document link: Dianne H Russo)

What do you think of Schedule M to the EEI ?
Should we propose that it ---or something like it be considered ?
Since it is part of EEI, I am sure certain people will oppose it but for
the same reason might want a WSPP version.
Thoughts ?