Enron Mail

Subject:15" Flat panel
Date:Thu, 12 Oct 2000 02:43:00 -0700 (PDT)

can you arrange this for after 200 or on friday
----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 10/12/2000 09:42 AM -----

Felix Buitron
10/12/2000 09:03 AM

To: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Janette Elbertson/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: 15" Flat panel

Elizabeth, I have a monitor to install for you, please let me know when the
best time is to install. Also, I'm I bring back your current monitor.


---------------------- Forwarded by Felix Buitron/HOU/ECT on 10/12/2000 09:01
AM ---------------------------

Hardware Request Line Item Master Request:
Line Item Status:Scheduled

Hardware information:
Item: 15IN TFT 5010 OPAL
Request Type: Upgrade Existing Request Date: 10/11/2000
Requested By: Janette Elbertson RC #: 105657
CO #: 0413 WO #:
Requested For: Elizabeth Sager Location: EB3805
Due Date: 10/18/2000 System # In Use:
PO # In Use: 0008373
System # On Shelf:
PO # On Shelf:

Comments and special requirements:
Master Request Ops Comments:
Master Request IS Comments: SM
Line Item Ops Comments:
Line Item IS Comments:

PO information:
PO #: 20100428 Vendor: COMPAQ DIRECT
Order Date: 10/11/2000 Ordered By: Shauncy Mathews

Installation information:
Team Assigned: BaseSupport Team Installed By:
Assigned To: Isabel Gaona Date Installed:
Scheduled Date: 10/13/2000

Follow-up Due:
Follow-up Comments:

Customer order:
Received All Requested Equipment:
Technician Signature:

Customer inventory information:
System No: Monitor: Monitor2:
Printer: Memory: CD-ROM:
Customer Phone: HDD:

Return to stock information:
System No: Monitor: Printer:
Technician Signature For Returning To Stock: Receiving Signature:

Master Items: Installation Comments:
15IN TFT 5010 OPAL
Receiving History:
Item is set as In Stock by Brian Verm on 10/11/2000 01:07:29 PM
Item is Staged by Brian Verm in 10/11/2000 1:08:06 PM

Revision History: Brian Verm
Brian Verm 10/11/2000 01:04:55 PM
10/11/2000 01:04:55 PM