Enron Mail |
Can we talk about this in am (tues)? Do we have a template?
thanks ----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 03/12/2001 05:38 PM ----- Edward Sacks/ENRON@enronXgate 03/12/2001 05:33 PM To: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Assignment Agreement Elizabeth Please have an atty/paralegal forward a template of the 3 party book out / assignment agreement to Tractebel. Laura Kenner is the credit contact and her email address is lkinner@tractebelusa.com. We are potentially looking at assigning a few trades from AEP to Tractebel. If anyone should need to contact Laura, she can be reached at (713) 350-1763. They would like to see this by Tues if possible. thks. Rgds, Ed Sacks