Enron Mail |
----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 06/08/2000 03:19 PM -----
Mike Curry 04/19/2000 04:24 PM To: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Entergy WSPP Contract Below is the Entergy contact. I will get back to you asap on how the desk intends to trade off the WSPP so you can prepare a memo for the traders. Thanks, - Mike ---------------------- Forwarded by Mike Curry/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2000 04:16 PM --------------------------- Rogers Herndon 04/13/2000 08:58 AM To: Mike Curry/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Kyle Schultz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin M Presto/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Entergy WSPP Contract Mike - I just spoke to my contact at Entergy. They have moved exclusively to the WSPP contract to streamline their contracts department and protect them against inconsistent contractual language. They are not bending on this requirement at this time. As such, I think we need to proceed with signing this agreement unless there are any significant issues. Could you coordinate the execution with legal ( I think E. Sager was working on this). Arlyn Kelleher is the contact on Entergy's side. Her # is 281-297-3582. Kevin, Kyle, Elizabeth - are there any significant issues that would prevent us from executing this contract? We need them as a counterparty and I do not think sleeving is the answer. Thanks, Rogers