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thanks ---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 11/09/99 10:= 23=20 AM --------------------------- "Andy Katz" <AKatz@eei.org< on 11/09/99 10:08:34 AM Please respond to "Wholesale Electric Contract Standardization Group"=20 <contract@ls.eei.org< To: "Wholesale Electric Contract Standardization Group" <contract@ls.eei.or= g< cc: (bcc: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT) Subject: Information for Into Product Conference Call I am forwarding the following message from Mitch Dutton regarding this=20 afternoon's conference call: As a suggestion for a common starting point for discussions of the Into=20 Product Definition this afternoon, I am suggesting we begin with the curre= nt=20 proposal in the lastest version of the Standardized Contract circulated by= =20 Andy Katz on November 2, 1999. For ease of access, I have attached the=20 defintion as an attachment below. In addition, to assist my management in= =20 understanding how the Into Product defintion works in a graphic format, I a= m=20 also sending a slide that reflects my understanding of the defintion. I ma= ke=20 no representations or warranties as to the accuracy of the attachments. I= =20 look forward to the discussion this afternoon. (See attached file: INTO DELIVERY POINT PRODUCT DEFINITION.rtf) This is in= =20 Rich Text format and should import into any word processor. (See attached file: Slide to be e-mailed.ppt) You need power point to launch the second attachment. Double right click o= n=20 the slide to get it to fill the screen. I hope this is helpful. =02=05---------------------------------------------------------------------= -------- ---------------- Please let me know if the attachments were not received intact. Andrew S. Katz, Senior Attorney Edison Electric Institute 701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004 Voice: 202-508-5616 Fax: 202-508-5673 e-mail: akatz@eei.org - INTO DELIVERY POINT PRODUCT DEFINITION.rtf - Slide to be e-mailed.ppt