Enron Mail |
---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 09/27/99 09:48
AM --------------------------- "Andy Katz" <AKatz@eei.org< on 09/13/99 04:16:05 PM Please respond to "Wholesale Electric Contract Standardization Group" <contract@ls.eei.org< To: "Wholesale Electric Contract Standardization Group" <contract@ls.eei.org< cc: EComer@eei.org (bcc: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT) Subject: Standardized Master Contract and Model Tariff Please review the attached cover memo that describes the process followed by the Drafting Committee and a proposed plan of action for the meeting on the 24th. You will find find attached a clean copy of the Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement and a redline version showing changes made by the Drafting Committee to the last version of the agreement reviewed by the entire Working Group. Also attached is a proposed Model Tariff for use with the Master Agreement. The Model Tariff is described in the Cover Memo. All these files are in Rich Text (*.RTF) format and should easily import into any wordprocessing program. ************************************************************ Andrew S. Katz, Senior Attorney Edison Electric Institute akatz@eei.org PH (202) 508-5616 FAX (202) 508-5673 - clean memo.rtf - septcleandraft.rtf - 9RJ3RED.rtf - #7767 v1 - WHOLESALE MARKET BASED RATE SCHEDULE FORM.rtf