Enron Mail

To:richard.sanders@enron.com, mark.haedicke@enron.com, james.fallon@enron.com,kevin.presto@enron.com, rogers.herndon@enron.com, greg.whalley@enron.com
Subject:TVA MOPA - Draft letter, re suspension
Date:Mon, 27 Dec 1999 05:25:00 -0800 (PST)

Attached is a preliminary draft of the letter prepared by Gibbs & Bruns
notifying TVA of the occurrence of a Triggering Event and EMPI's suspension
of deliveries under the MOPA. Please review and call me with any questions
or comments. We will need to carefully consider EPMI's offer to provide
energy under the MOPA at market based rates. As you are aware, the current
plan is to send TVA notice on Jan. 4th.

The draft of the control area petition should be ready for circulation on
Tuesday, the 28th. Once received, I will forward both the petition and a
revised draft of this letter to legal, regulatory and trading for review.


---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 12/27/99 01:06
PM ---------------------------

"Jeffrey C. Alexander" <Jalexander@Gibbs-Bruns.com< on 12/27/99 11:14:07 AM
To: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Draft letter

Here is the draft letter for your consideration. Please distribute this to
the members of the legal team at Enron. Thank you for your assistance, and
have a happy holiday season.


- 1RV501!.WPD