Enron Mail |
Elizabeth Sager 713-853-6349 -----Original Message----- From: ntillett@reliant.com@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-ntillett+40reliant+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 11:28 AM To: martyjo.rogers@axiaenergy.com; Sager, Elizabeth Subject: ERCOT Confirms PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL THIS DOCUMENT IS PROTECTED BY ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGE AND IS ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT FYI - Dede requested that I forward this to the both of you. Nina Tillett Reliant Energy Law Department 1111 Louisiana Houston, TX 77002 Phone: (713) 207-5241 Facsimile: (713) 207-9572 ntillett@reliant.com ----- Forwarded by Nina Tillett/ADM/HouInd on 08/01/01 11:24 AM ----- Dianne H Russo To: Christy B Brinkman/TTG/HouInd@HouInd, Sent by: Nina Terri A Parrish/TTG/HouInd@HouInd, Nicole D Tillett Alpough/TTG/HouInd@HouInd, Tonya J Brewer/TTG/HouInd@HouInd, Alva H Perry/TTG/HouInd@HouInd, Wayne 08/01/01 Oliphant/TTG/HouInd@HouInd 11:25 AM cc: Wade A Hoefling/ADM/HouInd@HouInd, Shari Stack/ADM/HouInd@HouInd, Rene L Broussard/TTG/HouInd@HouInd, John H Ritch/TTG/HouInd@HouInd Subject: ERCOT Confirms This communication is CONFIDENTIAL and protected by the ATTORNEY-CLIENT and WORK PRODUCT privileges. In response to the ERCOT market transition, and the fact that "UB" is no longer an accurate ERCOT product description, on a going forward basis, unless otherwise specifically instructed by the Trade Floor or the Origination Group, please identify ERCOT products as "Firm-LD" [as defined under Schedule P of the EEI Agreement] (obviously, if we have an EEI in place with a counterparty the bracketed part is not necessary, but if not, it needs to be included). Under the "Delivery Point" heading please state: "Seller's choice of any available interface(s) within the ERCOT control area." I will let you know if/when any of this changes. In the meantime, refer any customer response to this confirmation change to the Trade Floor and/or Legal. Thank you. Dede Russo 7-5240 P.S. To John Ritch: Please let me know if this is OK or if you want to change it in any way. If OK, please forward this to your traders.