Enron Mail |
-----Original Message----- From: "Andy Katz" <AKatz@eei.org<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Andy+20Katz+22+20+3CAKatz+40eei+2Eorg+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 1:15 PM To: louv@acespower.com; fhilton@aep.com; lrgroff@aep.com; martyjo.rogers@axiaenergy.com; Christine_Schwab@dom.com; Francine_Mathews@dom.com; rsbaker@duke-energy.com; pjpa@dynegy.com; mtwilliams@edisonmission.com; RReyna@energyusa.com; Sager, Elizabeth; Murphy, Harlan; Ngo, Tracy; jcrespo@hess.com; wfhenze@jonesday.com; ed.zabrocki@msdw.com; william.mccoy@msdw.com; daniel.sarti@neg.pge.com; Jeremy.Weinstein@pacificorp.com; dperlman@powersrc.com; kabedin@powersrc.com; rosteen@powersrc.com; drusso@reliantenergy.com; Shari_Stack@reliantenergy.com; babak.pooya@southernenergy.com; cward@utilicorp.com; mcrocker@utilicorp.com; pharrod@utilicorp.com; bill.dudley@xemkt.com Subject: Houston Meetings for EEI Contract The Master Power Contract Group Collateral Annex group will meet on August 7 and the Drafting Committee will meet on August8 at: Reliant Energy, Inc 1111 Louisiana Houston, Texas 77002 713/207-5241 713/207-0703 Your contact in Houston is Nina Tillett 713/207-5241, she works w/ DeDe Russo who will be hosting. Please let her know if you would like to participate by conference call. The meetings will be held between 9am and 4pm and include a working lunch. EEI will host a dinner in a local restaurant (TBD) on the evening of July 7th for those who will be available to attend. The closest hotel is the Hyatt Regency, 1200 Louisiana (next to Reliant) 713/951-0934*rooms start at $165/night*a back-up hotel is Doubletree, 400 Dallas St., Houston 713/752-2734*rooms start at $209. Reliant will need a list of meeting attendee names for both days for security reasons. Please contact me if you have any questions. Andrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs Edison Electric Institute 701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004 Voice: 202-508-5616 Fax: 202-508-5673 e-mail: akatz@eei.org - TEXT.htm - Andy Katz.vcf