Enron Mail

Subject:2001: Many firms say 'good riddance'
Date:Thu, 3 Jan 2002 16:30:19 -0800 (PST)


=09 Updated: Jan. 4, 2002 =
[IMAGE]2001: Many firms say 'good riddance' For=
many, if not most, energy companies, two words best describe 2001: Good ri=
ddance. The old year seemed to be a period of relatively good times sandwi=
ched between two crises... =
[IMAGE]A hard act to follow: the future for energy=
without Enron Corporation's fall creates leadership void Failure will aff=
ect deregulation debate =
[IMAGE]Shedding light on power prices EU study shows end of price tra=
nsparency Denmark residential customers pay more VAT impacts prices =
[IMAGE]Scaled-back Alas=
kan pipeline proposal in works Alaska Highway project looks for approval U=
.S./Canada border issue still barrier =
First triple-digit withdrawal of season from gas storage [IMAGE]=
full story... Gas prices to decline another 30 cts to 50 cts/MMBtu [IMAGE]=
full story... Cleere Drilling acquired by Patterson-UTI Energy [IMAGE]full=
story... Dominion inks $600 million supply deal with Conn. utility [IMAGE=
]full story... Connecticut regulators okay 330-MW transmission line [IMAGE=
]full story... GenPower plans coal-fired merchant plant in West Virginia [=
IMAGE]full story... CMS Energy closes sale of assets in West Africa [IMAGE=
]full story... Enron's auditor receives 'satisfactory' grade [IMAGE]full s=
tory... EC approves sale of Midlands Electricity [IMAGE]full story... Pac=
ific Gas and Electric wants request blocked [IMAGE]full story... [IMAGE]To=
view all of today's Executive News headlines, [IMAGE]click here =
Copyright ? 2001 - Platts, All Rights Reserved Mark=
et Brief Thursday, January 3 Stocks Close Change % Change DJIA 10,172.14 =
98.7 0.98% DJ 15 Util. 296.22 (1.5) -0.51% NASDAQ 2,044.27 65.02 3.29% S&=
P 500 1,165.27 17.2 1.50% Market Vols Close Change % Change AMEX (000)=
151,529 20,574.0 15.71% NASDAQ (000) 2,209,818 697,635.0 46.13% NYSE (00=
0) 1,397,567 217,670.0 18.45% Commodities Close Change % Change Crude =
Oil (Feb) 20.65 (0.45) -2.13% Heating Oil (Feb) 0.5659 0.015 2.76% Nat. Ga=
s (Henry) 2.309 (0.246) -9.63% Propane (Feb) 31.75 (0.85) -2.61% Palo Verde=
(Feb) 24.75 0.00 0.00% COB (Feb) 24.75 0.00 0.00% PJM (Feb) 29.00 (1.00)=
-3.33% Dollar US $ Close Change % Change Australia $ 1.943 0.001 0.0=
5% Canada $ 1.60 (0.001) -0.06% Germany Dmark 2.18 0.010 0.46% Euro 0=
.8994 (0.004) -0.46% Japan ?en 131.7 (0.500) -0.38% Mexico NP 9.1 0.000 0=
.00% UK Pound 0.6954 0.0031 0.45% Foreign Indices Close Change % Cha=
nge Arg MerVal 340.60 16.91 5.22% Austr All Ord. 3,367.40 (15.70) -0.46% B=
raz Bovespa 14265.35 393.26 2.83% Can TSE 300 7774.16 127.37 1.67% Germa=
ny DAX 5270.29 102.41 1.98% HK HangSeng 11423.52 72.67 0.64% Japan Nikkei=
225 10542.62 0.00 0.00% Mexico IPC 6603.75 193.70 3.02% UK FTSE 100 5,=
318.80 29.20 0.56% Source: Yahoo!, TradingDay.com and NYMEX.com =
=09 =09 =09

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