Enron Mail

Subject:A hard act to follow: the future for energy without Enron
Date:Thu, 27 Dec 2001 15:49:59 -0800 (PST)


=09 Updated: Dec. 28, 2001 =
[IMAGE]A hard act to follow: the future for ene=
rgy without Enron The energy industry is beginning to imagine its future w=
ithout the swashbuckling Enron, the future of which could now rest with ban=
kruptcy courts on both sides of the Atlantic. =
[IMAGE]Fight over hydro project=
could become war Outcome could set precedent for other relicensing Envir=
onmental issues may be deciding factor =
[IMAGE]Shedding light on power prices EU study shows e=
nd of price transparency Denmark residential customers pay more VAT impac=
ts prices [IMAGE]A=
sci-fi twist in clean coal research Bioprocessing cleans impurities Scien=
tists create coal-adapted microbes =
PSI Energy asks Ind. regulators to approve plant transfer [IMAGE]fu=
ll story... Arkansas PSC recommends state delay or scrap competition [IMAG=
E]full story... Delta Petroleum acquires private Piper Petroleum [IMAGE]fu=
ll story... Chavez expects modest oil price recovery in 2002 [IMAGE]full s=
tory... Missouri PSC grants MGE variance on disconnections [IMAGE]full sto=
ry... FERC backs Texas co-op in pass-through dispute [IMAGE]full story... =
Brazil makes minor changes in new fuel market rules [IMAGE]full story... =
With pipe/lease plan, SCG eyes Georgia, South Carolina [IMAGE]full story...=
AGA: Storage stocks drop 81 Bcf to 2.980 Tcf; 91% full [IMAGE]full story.=
.. AES settles tariff with Brazil in industry-wide accord [IMAGE]full stor=
y... [IMAGE]To view all of today's Executive News headlines, [IMAGE]click =
here Copyright ? 2001 - Platts, All Rights Res=
erved Market Brief Thursday, December 27 Stocks Close Change % Chang=
e DJIA 10,131.31 43.2 0.43% DJ 15 Util. 292.86 3.1 1.06% NASDAQ 1,976.36 =
15.66 0.80% S&P 500 1,157.12 7.8 0.67% Market Vols Close Change % Cha=
nge AMEX (000) 88,986 (6,091.0) -6.41% NASDAQ (000) 1,229,831 102,400.0 9.=
08% NYSE (000) 881,030 88,396.0 11.15% Commodities Close Change % Chan=
ge Crude Oil (Feb) 20.9 (0.37) -1.74% Heating Oil (Jan) 0.5927 (0.002) -0.3=
2% Nat. Gas (Henry) 2.52 (0.391) -13.43% Propane (Jan) 33.75 (0.50) -1.46% =
Palo Verde (Jan) 28.00 0.00 0.00% COB (Jan) 28.00 0.00 0.00% PJM (Jan) 31=
.15 0.00 0.00% Dollar US $ Close Change % Change Australia $ 1.970 0.=
002 0.10% Canada $ 1.60 (0.004) -0.25% Germany Dmark 2.21 (0.011) -0.49=
% Euro 0.8835 0.004 0.50% Japan ?en 131.7 0.900 0.69% Mexico NP 9.13 0=
.000 0.00% UK Pound 0.6885 0.0006 0.09% Foreign Indices Close Chang=
e % Change Arg MerVal 320.46 0.00 0.00% Austr All Ord. 3,354.70 19.50 0.5=
8% Braz Bovespa 13755.65 397.23 2.97% Can TSE 300 7650.60 98.01 1.30% Ge=
rmany DAX 5117.13 98.12 1.95% HK HangSeng 11359.5 149.72 1.34% Japan Nikk=
ei 225 10457.61 265.04 2.60% Mexico IPC 6414.60 6371.84 0.53% UK FTSE 1=
00 5,213.20 35.80 0.69% Source: Yahoo!, TradingDay.com and NYMEX.co=
m =09 =09 =09

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