Enron Mail

Subject:Cogeneration's time has come
Date:Fri, 2 Nov 2001 16:03:42 -0800 (PST)


MAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Updated: Nov. 5, 2001 [IMAGE] [IMAG=
E] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Cogeneration's time has c=
ome Cogeneration, a decades-old power-delivery system that has been embrac=
ed and shunned numerous times by utilities and customers in the last centur=
y, is poised to enjoy its greatest renaissance since central generation bec=
ame the norm. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [I=
GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Economic upheaval =
leads to industry changes IPOs shelved; earnings disappointing Splitting a=
small company doesn't work [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [I=
IMAGE] Utilities slow to buy into ASP market ASPs allow companies to =
focus Customer service function a key attraction [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The oil patch: boom to bust in one year =
Declining oil and gas prices shake E&P earnings Drillers still riding the =
wave, for now [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Enron short-coverin=
g may be boosting gas prices full story... Independence Pipeline delayed =
again full story... U.S. rig count down 5, Canada down 3 full story... =
EIA: Domestic oil and gas reserves increased in 2000 full story... Compan=
ies gain from greenhouse gas cuts, but face risks full story... U.S. Sena=
te Democrats close to forwarding energy bill full story... Moody's decide=
s not to downgrade GPU, units full story... Bush Administration opposes S=
enate emissions plan full story... CMS selling Guinean assets to Marathon=
Oil full story... Edison Mission ups ante for New Zealand power company =
full story... To view all of today's Executive News headlines, click her=
AGE] Copyright ? 2001 - Platts, All Rights Reserved [IMAGE] Market Bri=
ef Friday, November 2 Stocks Close Change % Change DJIA 9,323.54 59.6 0.=
64% DJ 15 Util. 289.42 (5.4) -1.83% NASDAQ 1,745.73 (0.57) -0.03% S&P 500 1=
,087.20 3.1 0.29% Market Vols Close Change % Change AMEX (000) 122,202=
(50,539.0) -29.26% NASDAQ (000) 1,645,506 (140,273.0) -7.86% NYSE (000) 1,=
119,784 (191,565.0) -14.61% Commodities Close Change % Change Crude Oil=
(Dec) 20.18 (0.34) -1.66% Heating Oil (Dec) 0.5826 (0.010) -1.67% Nat. Gas=
(Henry) 3.248 (0.047) -1.43% Propane (Dec) 36.50 (1.50) -3.95% Palo Verde =
(Dec) 35.00 0.00 0.00% COB (Dec) 39.00 (2.75) -6.59% PJM (Dec) 29.60 0.00 =
0.00% Dollar US $ Close Change % Change Australia $ 1.967 0.005 0.25=
% Canada $ 1.59 (0.002) -0.13% Germany Dmark 2.17 0.003 0.14% Euro 0.=
9040 0.002 0.20% Japan ?en 121.7 (0.300) -0.25% Mexico NP 9.26 (0.040) -0=
.43% UK Pound 0.6843 0.0003 0.04% Foreign Indices Close Change % Cha=
nge Arg MerVal 222.50 (6.52) -2.85% Austr All Ord. 3,176.90 (8.80) -0.28% B=
raz Bovespa 11387.81 0.00 0.00% Can TSE 300 7023.97 39.36 0.56% Germany =
DAX 4583.31 (52.82) -1.14% HK HangSeng 10186.06 27.21 0.27% Japan Nikkei 2=
25 10383.78 36.50 0.35% Mexico IPC 5632.76 21.99 0.39% UK FTSE 100 5,12=
9.50 58.30 1.15% Source: Yahoo! & TradingDay.com =09 [IMAGE=

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