Enron Mail

Subject:ENL Insider: Introducing Energy Jobs and Audio Only
Date:Wed, 14 Nov 2001 11:54:49 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] =09

EnergyNewsLive.com would like to introduce you to our newest on-line s=
ervices. Energy Jobs: Searching For An Energy Sector Job? Need To Hi=
re Someone with Energy Industry Experience? Introducing Energy Jobs - the=
latest addition to Williams EnergyNewsLive.com. Just lick on the "Energ=
y Jobs" tab on our menu bar to have direct access to jobs for everyone in=
theenergy industry. EnergyNewsLive.com the world's only real-time ener=
gy news network has partnered with Energy Jobs Network (EJN) to be your on=
e stop shop for all of your staffing needs. Convenience...search and a=
pply for jobs along with the thousands of others that have already Dive=
rsity...view a list of over 170 employers that have jobs posted here Fl=
exibility...post a position or a number of positions, the choice is yours=
The Energy Jobs Network is a group of energy related sites serving the =
needs of the energy industry. EJN's member sites include energy associatio=
ns and energy portals with large databases of individuals in the energy ind=
ustry. Our network allows energy employers an opportunity to post their jo=
bs one time, pay one rate and receive multiple site exposure. When you pos=
t a job on Energy News Live it will also be listed on all EJN member sites=
. Job Seekers are able to search this large database of energy job opport=
unities from around the globe. Posting your open positions on EnergyNewsL=
ive.com sends your announcements deep into the energy community. Searching=
and applying for jobs is free. So, why not take a minute and try it out. =
Who knows, a new job may be just a few clicks away? Audio Only: Ha=
ve you every had trouble getting the video bandwidth you need? If you are=
like many others who are traveling on the road or connecting via a dial-=
up modem, Audio Only is the right choice for you. The Audio Only broadcas=
t is a new feature ofEnergyNewsLive.com designed for those individuals wh=
o are viewing via low bandwidth connections. By selecting the "Audio Only=
" button located under the broadcast window, you will be automatically con=
nected to the news in a high definition audio stream. Audio nly is now a=
vailable for our live broadcast, and will soon be added to our video libr=
ary. No longer will a low connection speed stop you from getting the news=
. EnergyNewsLive is committed to providing you the latest in Energy =
tools and content. Take a minute to preview these new featuresat www.en=
ergynewslive.com and let us know what you think. We think you'll like w=
hat you see! Keep it on EnergyNewsLive.com for all yourlatest Energy =
News. You have received this email because your account on ENL indicate=
s permission to send you information about new features and services. To =
unsubscribe from future mailings, visit www.energynewslive.com and selec=
t "Change Settings" and edit your "Account Information". Or reply to this=
email and our e-center will be glad to assist. Suggestions and feedback =
are always welcome. =09