Enron Mail

Subject:European power prices skyrocket
Date:Fri, 28 Dec 2001 14:47:18 -0800 (PST)

The Energy Insight staff will be off New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. We=
'll be back in the office with news and analysis Jan. 2. Have a happy, safe=
New Year!

=09 Updated: Jan. 2, 2002 =
[IMAGE]European power prices skyrocket Coal sup=
pliers have been scratching their heads, wondering why coal prices have sta=
gnated, while power prices have skyrocketed over the past few weeks. While =
average power prices in Germany have nearly tripled during the past month, =
coal prices have been feeling the pinch. =
[IMAGE]A hard act to follow: the fut=
ure for energy without Enron Corporation's fall creates leadership void Fa=
ilure will affect deregulation debate =
[IMAGE]Shedding light on power prices EU study shows en=
d of price transparency Denmark residential customers pay more VAT impact=
s prices [IMAGE]A =
sci-fi twist in clean coal research Bioprocessing cleans impurities Scient=
ists create coal-adapted microbes =
Bush has had no contact with Enron's Lay [IMAGE]full story... Indus=
trial customers request look at NW Natural's acquisition of PGE [IMAGE]full=
story... DOE to fund tight gas production projects [IMAGE]full story... =
U.S. rig count up 5, Canada down 94 [IMAGE]full story... California to hel=
p fund alternative fueling stations [IMAGE]full story... Exelon Power Team=
to purchase power from 65-MW wind project [IMAGE]full story... NSTAR fine=
d $2 million for over-investing in subsidiary [IMAGE]full story... Massach=
usetts approves utility rate cuts [IMAGE]full story... SDG&E, Calif. agenc=
ies protest Duke's cost estimates [IMAGE]full story... Wisconsin Public Se=
rvice increases gas, electric rates [IMAGE]full story... [IMAGE]To view al=
l of today's Executive News headlines, [IMAGE]click here =
Copyright ? 2001 - Platts, All Rights Reserved Market Brief=
Friday, December 28 Stocks Close Change % Change DJIA 10,136.99 5.7 0.0=
6% DJ 15 Util. 294.50 1.6 0.56% NASDAQ 1,987.27 10.91 0.55% S&P 500 1,161=
.01 3.9 0.34% Market Vols Close Change % Change AMEX (000) 102,207 13,=
221.0 14.86% NASDAQ (000) 1,322,780 92,949.0 7.56% NYSE (000) 905,094 24,=
064.0 2.73% Commodities Close Change % Change Crude Oil (Feb) 20.41 (0=
.49) -2.34% Heating Oil (Jan) 0.5665 (0.026) -4.42% Nat. Gas (Henry) 2.555 =
0.035 1.39% Propane (Jan) 34.00 0.25 0.74% Palo Verde (Feb) 24.75 (3.25) =
-11.61% COB (Feb) 24.75 (3.25) -11.61% PJM (Feb) 30.00 (1.15) -3.69% Do=
llar US $ Close Change % Change Australia $ 1.959 (0.011) -0.56% Canada $ =
1.59 (0.004) -0.25% Germany Dmark 2.21 (0.001) -0.05% Euro 0.8837 0.00=
0 0.02% Japan ?en 131.0 (0.700) -0.53% Mexico NP 9.18 0.050 0.55% UK Pou=
nd 0.69 0.0015 0.22% Foreign Indices Close Change % Change Arg MerVa=
l 295.39 (25.07) -7.82% Austr All Ord. 3,363.80 9.10 0.27% Braz Bovespa 13=
577.57 (178.08) -1.29% Can TSE 300 7675.00 24.40 0.32% Germany DAX 5160.1=
42.97 0.84% HK HangSeng 11431.59 72.09 0.63% Japan Nikkei 225 10542.62 =
85.01 0.81% Mexico IPC 6467.09 6371.84 0.82% UK FTSE 100 5,242.40 29.20 =
0.56% Source: Yahoo!, TradingDay.com and NYMEX.com =09 =
=09 =09

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