Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Deregulation of EU gas markets slow
Date:Mon, 15 Oct 2001 16:35:47 -0700 (PDT)

Energy Insight=20

MAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Updated: Oct. 16, 2001 [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Deregulation of EU gas m=
arkets slow The U.S. and the UK have both liberalized their gas markets an=
d now the rest of Europe is attempting to catch up following the implementa=
tion of the European Union (EU) gas directive in August 2000. A new report =
by DRI-WEFA, commissioned by... [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=
orthwest Natural runs a 'reverse' in PGE deal Two firms already share servi=
ces Northwest Natural's interest dates to '99 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
MAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Deregulation looks for a way ahead Ability =
to sell the idea has 'never been weaker' When 'win-win' leads to a loss R=
ecasting deregulation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
Is hydrogen poised for market acceleration? Fuel cells could lead to=
decreased oil dependence The 'chicken and egg' infrastructure dilemma [=
E] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] GE partners with ComEd for major s=
ubstation system overhaul full story... WestConnect files RTO agreements =
with FERC full story... NSTAR to cut electric prices by 27% full story...=
Gov. Davis signs bills to help stabilize gas prices full story... Dyne=
gy tops estimates, ups earnings target full story... State senator hopes =
to reregulate natural gas in Georgia full story... Mass. regulators want =
bigger penalties for poor service full story... AES and Electroandina wit=
hdraw bids for Edelnor full story... Endesa to complete Dutch buys by end=
of year full story... Peter Robertson to head ChevronTexaco full story..=
. To view all of today's Executive News headlines, click here =
ght ? 2001 - Platts, All Rights Reserved [IMAGE] Market Brief Monday, =
October 15 Stocks Close Change % Change DJIA 9,347.62 3.5 0.04% DJ 15 Uti=
l. 313.76 (2.4) -0.77% NASDAQ 1,696.31 (7.09) -0.42% S&P 500 1,089.18 (1.7)=
-0.15% Market Vols Close Change % Change AMEX (000) 130,611 (61,043.0)=
-31.85% NASDAQ (000) 1,583,452 (598,572.0) -27.43% NYSE (000) 1,027,400 (3=
10,682.0) -23.22% Commodities Close Change % Change Crude Oil (Nov) 22.=
32 (0.18) -0.80% Heating Oil (Nov) 0.6315 (0.007) -1.08% Nat. Gas (Henry) 2=
.39 (0.040) -1.65% Propane (Nov) 40.5 (0.250) -0.61% Palo Verde (Nov) 34.00=
0.00 0.00% COB (Nov) 31.50 0.00 0.00% PJM (Nov) 28.90 0.00 0.00% Do=
llar US $ Close Change % Change Australia $ 1.940 (0.045) -2.27% Canada $ =
1.558 (0.009) -0.57% Germany Dmark 2.154 0.004 0.19% Euro 0.9082 (0.0=
02) -0.22% Japan ?en 120.90 (0.500) -0.41% Mexico NP 9.27 (0.040) -0.43% U=
K Pound 0.6905 0.0013 0.19% Foreign Indices Close Change % Change Ar=
g MerVal 231.52 (1.45) -0.62% Austr All Ord. 3,133.90 (25.10) -0.79% Braz B=
ovespa 11329.32 544.60 5.05% Can TSE 300 6955.6 (75.40) -1.07% Germany DA=
X 4505.13 (120.00) -2.59% HK HangSeng 10130.59 (143.54) -1.40% Japan Nikkei=
225 10452.54 (179.81) -1.69% Mexico IPC 5500.1 (171.00) -3.02% UK FTSE 1=
00 5,067.30 (78.20) -1.52% Source: Yahoo! & TradingDay.com =09 =

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