Enron Mail

Subject:Let us pay your debt for you!
Date:Tue, 30 Oct 2001 01:41:28 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: 8dznl4fzr@msn.com@ENRON
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Are you tired of letting your debt run your life?
Are you working harder to make ends meet only to have less
money and less time.

We have the solution for your future.

With Debt Consolidation you can
take your life back.

We will take all your current debt and
merge it into one monthly payment at a super
low monthly interest rate.

Your debt will be re-payed faster and you will
have more money, more time and less stress.

Simply reply to this E-mail with the following Information

Zip Code:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Best Time to Call:
Estimated Debt:

With our help, we can make all your debt worrys
go away, getting you back on track with your life.

Don't let debt rule your life any more.

Thank you for your time

All Information Is Kept Strictly Confidential

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