Enron Mail

Subject:Low Cost Term Life Insurance. LX
Date:Wed, 7 Nov 2001 22:51:12 -0800 (PST)

Term Quotes Life Insurance Companies =
Since 1996, term life insurance rates have been reduced by as much as =
70% 40 year old male - $250,000 - 10 year level term As low as $10.44 per =
month! At TermQuotes Life Insurance Companies of America, we will survey t=
he top life insurance companies for you and provide you with the best rates=
available. The quote is free. There is no obligation to buy. Compare the r=
ates and see for yourself. Fill out this quick form below for further infor=
mation. Results of computer survey 11-01-01 Sample Annual Premiums * 10 Ye=
ar Level Premium Term Rates * Age $250,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 35 $115 $17=
5 $305 45 $210 $375 $670 55 $500 $935 $1,370 65 $1,305 $2,550 $4,920 70 $2,=
265 $4,480 $7,510 *Above rates guaranteed to remain level for 10 years Rate=
s based on male preferred class 1 non-smoker Policies are guaranteed renew=
able to age 95 Policies with 15, 20, 25, and 30 year level premiums also av=
ailable Attention All Smokers, you may qualify for special reduced smoker =
rates! Universal Life, Second-to-Die and Estate Planning products also pro=
vided. =09

Submit This Form for a Free Term Insurance Quote! Name Insured: Amount =
of Coverage: $250,000$300,000$400,000$500,000$600,000$700,000$800,000$900=
,000$1,000,000 Date of Birth: Month 010203040506070809101112 Day 010203040=
50607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Year Sex: Male Femal=
e Height: FTin Weight: lbs. Occupation: xxx Have You Ever Had: High B=
lood Pressure Yes No Heart Attack or Stroke Yes No Cancer Yes No Diab=
etes Yes No Mother, Father, Sister, Brother Diagnosed or Died of Cancer o=
r Cardiovascular Disease Before Age 60 Yes No Have You Smoked Within the=
Last 12 Months Yes No xxx Person Completing Request: Mailing Address: =
City: State Zip Daytime Phone: Evening Phone: Email Address: Be=
st time to contact: MorningAfter noonEveningWeekend When you click submit=
it may start your spell check, so please click "Ignore" if it does. =09=09=

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