Enron Mail

Subject:Platts Energy Bulletin
Date:Mon, 4 Feb 2002 08:17:33 -0800 (PST)

Platts Energy Bulletin

Welcome to Platts Energy Bulletin, a showcase of the top headlines posted on
platts.com (http://www.platts.com) over the past 24 hours. To view this file in
html, open the attachment at the bottom of this email.

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Feb 4, 2002

What's New on platts.com?
Why did Enron Crash? A closer look at the Enron debacle.

Water Industry 2002: A look at the main issues facing the water industry.

Upcoming Events
Grid Business - The Midwest Region: An Electrical World Roundtable in
cooperation with R. J. Rudden Associates and the United States Energy
Association. March 21-22, 2002 St. Louis, Missouri.

Futures Round-up
NYMEX: Crude to open lower, lack of fresh bullish news
NYMEX March crude oil is called to open 14 cts lower at $20.24/bbl. March Brent
is called to open 11 cts lower at $19.87/bbl. March heating oil is called to
open 81 pts lower at 54.50 cts/gal and March unleaded gasoline is called to open
64 pts lower at 59.70 cts/gal.

IPE Brent Focus: IPE Brent crude softer to start the week
IPE Brent futures dropped lower in open outcry trading Monday, giving up gains
made in Friday's positive performance. Front-month March futures traded at
$19.69/bbl at 1133 GMT, down 29 cts from Friday's settlement and 9 cts shy of
the session's low of $19.60/bbl, while April had shed 28 cts by the same time.

News Round-up
Click on the headlines below or paste the URLs provided in your internet browser
to see the full story.

Energy industry falls victim to Argentine crisis
The recent announcement of a 40%-devaluation in Argentina for foreign trade
operations and debt servicing was followed by measures that will directly impact
the country's energy industry. (http://www.einsight.com)

Venezuela gives Cuba more time to pay crude oil debt
Venezuela has given Cuba more time to make its crude debt repayments after Cuban
state oil company, Cupet, declared force majeure on payments for Venezuelan
shipments made last year, Venezuelan deputy energy minister Bernardo Alvarez
said Monday. (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#58525)

Iran seeks gas partner in Europe: Iran oil minister
Iran is seeking to establish a partnership with a European gas company as part
of its plan to market Iranian gas in Europe, Iranian oil minister Bijan Zanganeh
said Feb 2. (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#58521)

Asian naphtha cracker operators consider using LPG feed
Asian olefin producers are considering using a combination of naphtha and LPG
feedstocks to take advanatge of a favorable price spread between the two
products, industry sources said Monday.

Platts Global Energy Jobs Board and Resume Bank: Created in partnership with the
Energy Jobs Network, the Jobs Board gives you access to a pool of job seekers
and open positions across the energy industry. It's free for all job seekers,
and there is a range of packages for employers posting jobs.

Enron Europe creditors meeting set for Feb 15
Enron Europe's administrator PricewaterhouseCoopers has set a date of Feb 15 for
the initial meeting of creditors of the European subsidiary of the failed US
energy marketer, according to a letter seen by Platts Monday.

US plants set record generation in 2001
The average US nuclear plant capacity factor was about 91% in 2001, an all-time
high and the fourth straight year of performance improvements, the Nuclear
Energy Institute (NEI) said Feb 1. (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#58480)

To see the past five day's headlines posted on platts.com go to Platts archives

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