Enron Mail

Subject:Platts Energy Bulletin
Date:Fri, 1 Feb 2002 06:29:40 -0800 (PST)

Platts Energy Bulletin

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platts.com (http://www.platts.com) over the past 24 hours. To view this file in
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Feb 1, 2002

What's New on platts.com?
Platts Enron Report: Read about the implications of Enron's bankruptcy on the
financial and energy communities.

E-commerce Update - Jan 2002: Latest energy e-commerce news.

DOE to propose Yucca Mtn: US Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham made known Jan 10
what had to be the worst-kept secret in the history of the nuclear industry:
Yucca Mountain will be recommended to President George W. Bush as the permanent
warehouse for the United State's radioactive castoffs beginning in 2010.

Upcoming Events
Grid Business - The Midwest Region: An Electrical World Roundtable in
cooperation with R. J. Rudden Associates and the United States Energy
Association. March 21-22, 2002 St. Louis, Missouri.

Futures Round-up
NYMEX: Crude to open lower despite Kuwaiti blast
NYMEX March crude oil is called to open 15 cts lower at $19.33/bbl. March Brent
is called to open 18 cts lower at $19.00/bbl. March heating oil is called to
open 6 pts lower at 52.80 cts/gal and March unleaded gasoline is called to open
42 pts lower at 57.00 cts/gal.

IPE Brent Focus: IPE Brent falls after initial 'knee jerk' move higher
Front-month March peaked at $19.45/bbl early on, before slipping lower to trade
at $19.11/bbl at 1104 GMT, 7 cts shy of the previous day's close at $19.18/bbl.
April futures had shed 9 cts to trade at $19.32/bbl at the same time.

News Round-up
Click on the headlines below or paste the URLs provided in your internet browser
to see the full story.

A closer look at the Enron debacle
There are questions to be answered on many aspects of the Enron crash, from
political connections to corporate governance and professional accountability.
But probably the biggest mystery concerning this largest US bankruptcy of all
time is simply how it could have happened. (http://www.einsight.com)

Philippines new oil players wage war on illegal dealers
There is a growing body of illegal dealers underselling refined oil products in
the Philippines, according to a report by the country's New Petroleum Players
Association. (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#58448)

Conoco consolidates Canadian gas marketing unit
Conoco Canada said Thursday it was consolidating its entire Canadian natural gas
marketing services under one umbrella in the company's gas and power marketing
division, effective Friday. (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#58431)

Lyondell to acquire Oxy's 29.5% stake in Equistar
Lyondell Chemical Co announced Thursday that it had agreed in principle with
Occidental Petroleum Corp to acquire Occidental's 29.5% share of Equistar
Chemicals LP. (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#58412)

Platts Global Energy Jobs Board and Resume Bank: Created in partnership with the
Energy Jobs Network, the Jobs Board gives you access to a pool of job seekers
and open positions across the energy industry. It's free for all job seekers,
and there is a range of packages for employers posting jobs.

Barclays Capital hires Enron staff, expands commodities
Barclays Capital is to expand its global commodities activities and has hired
two professionals from Enron Europe, the investment banking division of the
Barclays group, said. (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#58458)

Non-regulated plants boost Entergy earnings
Entergy Corp said its non-regulated nuclear plants' performance boosted 2001
earnings, which were higher than the record results of 2000.

ExxonMobil sells coal firm to international consortium
ExxonMobil late Thursday said it had agreed to sell its coal company
International Colombia Resources Corp or Intercor to a consortium of Anglo
American, BHP Billiton, and Glencore International.

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