Enron Mail

Subject:Platts Energy Bulletin
Date:Wed, 30 Jan 2002 06:48:07 -0800 (PST)

Platts Energy Bulletin

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Jan 30, 2002

What's New on platts.com?
Platts Enron Report: Read about the implications of Enron's bankruptcy on the
financial and energy communities.

S&P - US Commodity Pricing: Standard & Poor's pricing assumptions for assigning
oil and gas ratings remained unchanged at $19/bbl for West Texas Intermediate
crude oil and $2.25 per million BTU (mmBTU) for NYMEX natural gas.

Futures Round-up
NYMEX: Crude to open lower on bearish stock builds
NYMEX March crude oil is called to open 28 cts lower at $19.30/bbl. February
unleaded gasoline is called to open 1.04 cts lower at 55.65 cts/gal and February
heating oil is called to open 55 pts lower at 51.50 cts/gal.

IPE Brent Focus: IPE Brent crude falls on the back of bearish APIs
Front-month March Brent stood 3 cts shy of the $19/bbl mark at $19.03/bbl at
1034 GMT, 21 cts lower than Tuesday's settlement.

News Round-up
Click on the headlines below or paste the URLs provided in your internet browser
to see the full story.

Grid Business: The Midwest Region: An Electrical World Roundtable in cooperation
with R. J. Rudden Associates and the United States Energy Association.
March 21-22, 2002 St. Louis, Missouri

MISO, PJM mirror images?on the surface
The proposed deal between Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator Inc
and PJM Interconnection LLC, creating an electron-directing behemoth consuming
half the US and a portion of Canada, should pose no major problems when market
design is discussed. (http://www.einsight.com)

Russia mulls strategic oil reserve to mop up surplus
The Russian government is considering building a strategic oil reserve to help
reduce a surplus of crude and products that has accumulated on the domestic
market since exports were cut Jan 1, deputy prime minister Viktor Khristenko
said Wednesday. (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#58357)

Gaz de France tariff drop depends on oil prices to May
Gaz de France's plan to lower domestic tariffs for residential users in May
still depends on oil price moves until then, a GdF spokeswoman said Wednesday.

Taiwan DuPont awaits Chinese approval for 600kt PTA unit
Taiwan's DuPont Far Eastern Petrochemical is waiting for an approval license
from the Chinese government to build a purified terephthalic acid plant in
China, a source close to DuPont said Wednesday.

Platts Global Energy Jobs Board and Resume Bank: Created in partnership with the
Energy Jobs Network, the Jobs Board gives you access to a pool of job seekers
and open positions across the energy industry. It's free for all job seekers,
and there is a range of packages for employers posting jobs.

Senators raise concerns of possible market abuse by Enron
US senators from the Northwest and California raised concerns Tuesday that Enron
might have inflated forward electricity prices in the West, and questioned the
validity of long-term power contracts signed last year in the region.

Bush issues stern warning to Iraq, Iran on weapons
US President George W Bush Tuesday issued a stern warning to Iraq, Iran and
North Korea against developing weapons of mass destruction, and said the US
would not tolerate threats. (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#58336)

US LTV Steel to sell Warren, Ohio coke plant
Bankrupt LTV Steel Co has agreed to sell its Warren, Ohio, coke plant to Warren
Coke Corp, an affiliate of Tonawanda Coke Corp of Tonawanda, New York. Terms of
the sale were not disclosed. (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#58321)

CFTC chairman: Enron debacle deserves recommendations
The chairman of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission told a key
congressional panel on Tuesday that the Enron collapse deserves "study and
recommendations." (http://www.platts.com/archives.shtml#58308)

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