Enron Mail

Subject:Scaled-back Alaskan pipeline proposal in works
Date:Wed, 2 Jan 2002 17:32:30 -0800 (PST)

Energy Insight=20

=09 Updated: Jan. 3, 2002 =
[IMAGE]Scaled-back Alaskan pipeline proposal in =
works With prospects for a gas pipeline from Alaska's North Slope looking =
shakier by the month, Foothills Pipe Lines is about to unveil a scaled-down=
version of the proposed Alaska Highway project that it hopes will win the =
approval of both regulators... =
[IMAGE]A hard act to follow: the future for en=
ergy without Enron Corporation's fall creates leadership void Failure will=
affect deregulation debate =
[IMAGE]Shedding light on power prices EU study shows end of price=
transparency Denmark residential customers pay more VAT impacts prices =
[IMAGE]European pow=
er prices skyrocket Spark spreads puzzle coal producers Germany feels the =
pinch Stockpiles high, demand low =
PacifiCorp halts pursuit of Priest Rapids competitive license bid [=
IMAGE]full story... Williams buys NGL pipeline [IMAGE]full story... Switz=
erland adopts energy efficiency labeling [IMAGE]full story... Two U.S. sen=
ators announce Enron probe [IMAGE]full story... Paper mill sues TVA to rec=
over $25 million [IMAGE]full story... Mirant drops deal to buy half of Pue=
rto Rican unit [IMAGE]full story... Argentine gas trading goes on despite =
fiscal crisis [IMAGE]full story... California retail gasoline prices at th=
ree-year lows [IMAGE]full story... Lay, Skilling involved in forming partn=
erships, documents show [IMAGE]full story... Crude prices could fall becau=
se OPEC cuts may not occur [IMAGE]full story... [IMAGE]To view all of toda=
y's Executive News headlines, [IMAGE]click here =
Copyright ? 2001 - Platts, All Rights Reserved Market Brief Wednes=
day, January 2 (Changes from 12/28) Stocks Close Change % Change DJIA 10,=
073.40 (63.6) -0.63% DJ 15 Util. 297.74 3.2 1.10% NASDAQ 1,979.25 (8.02) -=
0.40% S&P 500 1,148.08 (12.9) -1.11% Market Vols Close Change % Change =
AMEX (000) 130,955 28,748.0 28.13% NASDAQ (000) 1,512,183 189,403.0 14.32=
% NYSE (000) 1,179,897 274,803.0 30.36% Commodities Close Change % Cha=
nge Crude Oil (Feb) 21.1 0.69 3.38% Heating Oil (Jan) 0.5507 (0.016) -2.79=
% Nat. Gas (Henry) 2.555 0.000 0.00% Propane (Jan) 32.60 (1.40) -4.12% Pal=
o Verde (Feb) 24.75 0.00 0.00% COB (Feb) 24.75 0.00 0.00% PJM (Feb) 30.00=
0.00 0.00% Dollar US $ Close Change % Change Australia $ 1.942 (0.01=
7) -0.87% Canada $ 1.60 0.005 0.31% Germany Dmark 2.17 (0.048) -2.17% E=
uro 0.9036 0.020 2.25% Japan ?en 132.2 1.200 0.92% Mexico NP 9.1 (0.08=
0) -0.87% UK Pound 0.6923 0.0023 0.33% Foreign Indices Close Change =
% Change Arg MerVal 323.69 28.30 9.58% Austr All Ord. 3,383.10 19.30 0.57=
% Braz Bovespa 13872.09 294.52 2.17% Can TSE 300 7646.79 (28.21) -0.37% G=
ermany DAX 5167.88 7.78 0.15% HK HangSeng 11350.85 (80.74) -0.71% Japan Ni=
kkei 225 10542.62 0.00 0.00% Mexico IPC 6410.05 6371.84 -0.88% UK FTSE =
100 5,218.30 29.20 0.56% Source: Yahoo!, TradingDay.com and NYMEX.c=
om =09 =09 =09

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