Enron Mail

Subject:Williams Energy News Live -- today's video newscast
Date:Fri, 18 Jan 2002 15:27:00 -0800 (PST)

=09 =09 Dear Eric, Henwood Energy Services Senior Project Manager Geor=
ge Given talks about the Texas power market from the Houston bureau on Mond=
ay. Henwood Energy Services is forecasting the ERCOT power market is overbu=
ilt. The Houston bureau will bring us details next week. We'll also hear=
from Niagara Mohawk Energy President and CEO Philip VanHorne next week as =
he talks about the negative effects of Enron on the national power industry=
. Catch VanHorne's comments on Monday from Houston. Amalgamated Bank of =
New York is trying to freeze the assets of some Arthur Andersen executives.=
We'll have coverage of the federal court hearing on Tuesday taking place =
in Houston. The two major stories in Washington next week are the return =
of Congress and the ongoing investigations into Enron. Lawmakers return on=
Wednesday and will immediately begin new hearings on the embattled energy =
company. The first hearing is scheduled for Thursday in Senator Joe Lieber=
man's Governmental Affairs Committee. The Washington bureau will be coveri=
ng the hearing next week and examining the impact the Enron situation could=
have on the overall energy debate in Congress. Washington Bureau Chief P=
eter Cook will sit down next week for an exclusive interview with Interior =
Secretary Gale Norton. Peter says he'll ask her about a host of issues inc=
luding the future of energy production on federal lands and her view on the=
pending debate in Congress over drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildl=
ife Refuge. ENL's Kym McNicholas talks with California Assemblyman Joe Na=
tion on Monday. He'll discuss a new bill offering more incentives for rene=
wables. Harvard Economist William Hogan will also join Kym next week t=
o discuss the California ISO's new Market Design Project 2002. Hogan says t=
he plan is a major step forward in the California electricity market. Catc=
h him during the 2:00 p.m. ET newscast on Tuesday. Closing Prices for Fr=
iday, Jan. 18, 2002 Crude: $18.00/bbl +$0.03 Unleaded: $0.5392/gallon =
+$0.0031 Heating Oil: $0.5141/gallon -$0.0004 Gas: $2.236/mmBtu -$0.018=
Fwd uE(Feb.): $3.60/mmBtu -$0.05 Scheduling Note: I want to let everyo=
ne know that though the markets are closed, we'll be live from 9:00 a.m. ET=
to 5:00 p.m. ET Monday. Keep in mind things are subject to change at a m=
oment's notice. Occasionally guests have to reschedule or change time slots=
. We'll continue to do our best to keep you updated on future interviews a=
nd events. Be sure to watch our newscasts every business day - 9 a.m. t=
o 5 p.m. ET, at the top of each hour. =09 =09=09=09=09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09 =09Jay Rickerts, EnergyNewsLive.com Anchor View today's Energy Wrap Vi=
deo Windows Media Player: 56K | 100K | 300K Real Player: 56K | 100K | =
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AMS (800-945-5426) weekdays, 7am-7pm CST. Copyright 2001 Williams Energy=
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