Enron Mail

Subject:Williams Energy News Live -- today's video newscast
Date:Tue, 15 Jan 2002 14:04:33 -0800 (PST)

=09 =09 Dear Eric, The first meeting of 2002 for the Federal Energy Re=
gulatory Commission takes place on Wednesday and the Washington bureau will=
bring us coverage. The Commission begins the year with a full plate that =
they'll dig into tomorrow. We'll bring you updates from the meeting throug=
hout the day. During the 2:00 p.m. ET newscast, Reed Wasden & Associates M=
anaging Partner Cary Wasden will join us to give his assessment of the yea=
r ahead at the FERC and the major issues on the Commission's agenda. We'=
ll have the latest developments on Enron as members of Congress prepare to=
return to Washington. Washington Bureau Chief Peter Cook says politics co=
uld play a major role in determining where the congressional investigations=
into the company are headed. Former Enron Lobbyist Chris Horner, now with=
the Competitive Enterprise Institute, will join us at 9:00 a.m. ET to give=
us his take on the political dimensions of the company's collapse. On W=
ednesday, we'll talk about hydrogen fuel cells as an alternative source of =
energy. From the Houston bureau during the noon ET newscast, RBC Capital M=
arkets Vice President of Equity Research, Energy and Power Technology Thad =
Vayda will discuss alternative-fuel technology. We'll also have a deregu=
lation update - The Houston bureau will speak with Texas Public Utilities =
Commissioner Brett Perlman on Wednesday. He'll bring us details on how ele=
ctric deregulation is working in the Lone Star State. The California Sen=
ate's Select Committee investigating the energy markets is asking the Sena=
te Rules Committee to issue subpoenas for Enron and Andersen. On Wednesday=
, West Coast Bureau Correspondent Kym McNicholas will bring us more on the =
request and questions surrounding potential destruction of documents subpoe=
naed by the California Senate's Select Committee last spring to aid in the=
investigation of California's energy crisis. Also on Wednesday from the =
West Coast bureau, California Energy Committee Chairman Rod Wright gives h=
is top-ten list of things the state did to create last year's energy crisi=
s. Join us for this report tomorrow. Closing Prices for Tuesday, Jan. 1=
5, 2002 Crude: $18.90/bbl +$0.01 Unleaded: $0.5520/gallon +$0.0015 H=
eating Oil: $0.5207/gallon +$0.0041 Gas: $2.291/mmBtu +$0.041 Fwd uE(Fe=
b.): $3.63/mmBtu +$0.03 Keep in mind things are subject to change at a mo=
ment's notice. Occasionally guests have to reschedule or change time slots.=
We'll continue to do our best to keep you updated on future interviews an=
d events. Be sure to watch our newscasts every business day - 9 a.m. to=
5 p.m. ET, at the top of each hour. =09 =09=09=09=09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09 =09Jay Rickerts, EnergyNewsLive.com Anchor View today's Energy Wrap Vi=
deo Windows Media Player: 56K | 100K | 300K Real Player: 56K | 100K =
| 300K (Requires Windows Media Player or Real Player ) Experience all =
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his e-mail, please let us know or call (800) WILLIAMS (800-945-5426) week=
days, 7am-7pm CST. Comments? Suggestions? Let us know or call (800) W=
ILLIAMS (800-945-5426) weekdays, 7am-7pm CST. Copyright 2001 Williams En=
ergy News Live, LLC. All Rights Reserved. =09=09=09=09=09