Enron Mail

Subject:EnTouch Newsletter
Date:Tue, 3 Jul 2001 14:24:46 -0700 (PDT)



Enron Mexico
Jaime Williams will head up the Monterrey office with responsibility for Ri=
sk Management and Trading. Steve Irvin will take over responsibility for a=
ll origination activities in Mexico and will be based in Houston. Both Jai=
me and Steve will report directly to the Office of the Chair, Enron America=

The weather desk is rapidly expanding. With a presence in Houston, London,=
Sydney, and Tokyo (and possibly in New York), the desk has expanded from a=
bout 15 people in January to a current count of over 40 globally. Mark Taw=
ney recently went to Tokyo to explore joint marketing efforts with signific=
ant Japanese corporations and to meet with the newest additions to the Toky=
o weather team. Paul Murray (reporting to Mark) is leading the European ef=
fort out of London and has already increased the staffing there from 1 to 5=
. If you're in the London office, please take him out to a pub or two - ap=
parently he's had trouble finding them on his own. If you have interest in=
joining an exciting new industry, please feel free to call Dave Hill at x3=


Goldman Sachs Analysts, David Fleischer, David Maccarrone and Eric Mandelbl=
att on Enron in their latest analyst comment, "A LOT Better Than it Feels; =
Prospects Never Better: Raising Estimates":

"Our confidence in the direction of ENE's strategy and our conviction in th=
e continuing strong execution of its business plan continue to be extremely=
high. " =20

"... investors have cast doubt about both the company's strategy and manage=
ment's execution of its wide ranging and ambitious business plans. We have =
no such doubt."

"We absolutely believe that Enron's very broad capabilities are transferabl=
e to a wide variety of products and commodities and also see it as critical=
to emphasize that the company's wholesale operation is much more than the =
trading business may view it as being. . ."

New Hires
EGM - Richard Friedman, Vivek Kumar, Alex McElreath, Fred Radvansky, Jonat=
han Sarley, Pat Twohy=20
EIM - Tim Reed, Sonia Trevino, Greg Worsham
ENA - Alisha Mahabir, Jennifer Smith, Nancy Turner


Travel tip of the week:
Car rental contracts for year 2001 have been awarded to National Car Rental=
and Alamo Rent-a-Car. Please communicate the contract identification numb=
er at the time the reservation is made.
=09Alamo=09=09 143974

Insurance is included in Enron's negotiated rates; if asked please decline =
the Optional Liability Insurance and Collision Damage Waver offered by the =
gate agent. Coverage applies only if the appropriate contract identificati=
on number has been communicated. Negotiated discounts represent 20% off cu=
stomary rates.

Congratulations to Derrick and Paula Harris, manager in Business Analysis a=
nd Reporting, on the birth of daughter, Jazmine Kay on June 14, 2001.

Congratulations to Shannon and Greg Whiting, director in BA&R, on the birth=
of their daughter, Irene Elizabeth, on Friday, June 22, 2001.

EnronOnline Statistics

Below are the latest figures for EnronOnline as of June 29, 2001

=09*Total Life to Date Transactions < 1,150,000
=09*Life to Date Notional Value of Transactions < $684 billion


EES Europe Lands First Outsourcing Deal
Congratulations to EES Europe who recently clinched their first outsourcing=
transaction with supermarket giant, Sainsbury's. The deal means EES will =
provide gas and electricity to all 493 Sainsbury's properties in the UK inc=
luding stores, offices and depots. EES will also manage a program of energy=
reduction measures designed to improve energy efficiency at Sainsbury's fa=

Stuart Rexrode, Vice President of EES Europe, said: "This was a sensational=
team effort - a fantastic achievement for EES Europe and a truly groundbre=
aking transaction in the marketplace. The whole group should all be extrem=
ely proud and I am confident that this is the start of many more outsourcin=
g deals to come."

EBS Europe
EBS Europe has just completed its 100th transaction. The transaction involv=
es a 12-month contract for an STM-4 circuit from London to Madrid. This cap=
acity is equivalent to approximately 830 DSL lines or Internet connections =
into the home. Commenting on the achievement, Matthew Scrimshaw, President=
of EBS Europe said, "This is just one of the many milestones that EBS will=
achieve, as we continue to create a market for bandwidth trading and origi=

Pioneering International Coal Agreements Signed
Enron has signed a five-year agreement with Spanish utility HidroElectrica =
del Cantabrico for the import of at least 600,000 tonnes of steam coal per =
annum in Enron's first long-term coal import deal into Spain. The agreemen=
t gives Enron full optionality with regard to sourcing, timing and quantity=
of coal supply, which will be delivered via the port of Gijon in northern =
Spain and transported by rail and truck to a number of coal-fired power sta=
tions, predominantly in the north of the country. Gijon itself could becom=
e a trading hub for Spain's rapidly expanding coal market. "Spain is experi=
encing strong demand growth for electricity generation and with an annual p=
roduction of only 17 million tonnes of expensive, low-quality coal at its d=
isposal, the country has a need for new, flexible sources of supply - so th=
ere's lots of opportunity for us to extend the scope of our agreement," say=
s Sam Grossman, Enron's coal group director who led the team which included=
Katrina Bensadon and Janet Wood with support from the coal and freight tea=

In a separate agreement Enron's first foray into the US coal import market =
is delivering a cargo of Colombian coal to Dynergy via the Mississippi and =
two further cargoes of 45,000-60,000 tonnes to northeastern US utilities vi=
a Charleston, south Carolina. With coal supplying the fuel for more than h=
alf of the USA's power generation and the domestic coal market showing high=
prices - the Nymex coal price has doubled over the past year - this is an =
excellent time for Enron to help meet customer demand. "This is a classic =
Enron deal exploiting optionality," says Sam Grossman. "We were able to re=
direct one of our coal cargoes bound for Europe and find an alternative sou=
rce to fulfill the European order." The import agreement is expected to en=
courage other counterparties into the US coal import market. Congratulatio=
ns to Sam, Peter Bradley, Lenny Hochschild and the Enron freight desk.

The information contained in this newsletter is confidential and proprietar=
y to Enron Corp. and its subsidiaries. It is intended for internal use onl=
y and should not be disclosed.

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