Enron Mail

To:bill.williams@enron.com, holden.salisbury@enron.com, lisa.gang@enron.com,susie.wilson@enron.com
Subject:FW: Loss Tag Reminder
Date:Mon, 18 Jun 2001 15:36:39 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09"LYNN RICHARDSON" <LERICHRD@wapa.gov<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22=
Sent:=09Monday, June 18, 2001 3:25 PM
To:=09Bruce.McIver@BCHydro.bc.ca; Lisa.Will@BCHydro.bc.ca; Navjote.Jagpal@B=
CHydro.bc.ca; ddelzer@bepc.com; thylden@bepc.com; david_toole@cargill.com; =
jeffrey_cravens@cargill.com; mark_myers@cargill.com; hgreen@csu.org; skoch@=
csu.org; philtice@deseretgt.com; fwright@digisys.net; Cherie.L.Steigerwald@=
dynegy.com; Clemons, Amy; Semperger, Cara; Robinson, Donald; Runswick, Stac=
y; shultsjw@er.oge.com; rfrancis@idacorpenergy.com; jshadie@idahopower.com;=
kgillis@idahopower.com; panderson@idahopower.com; tmilam@idahopower.com; T=
Taylor@idahopower.com; biggst@lac.losalamos.nm.us; Chambellan@lac.losalamos=
.nm.us; gregg.oetting@mirant.com; ted.bauman@mirant.com; paul.smallwood@nce=
power.com; cLangston@NMPPENERGY.org; cstanley@NMPPENERGY.org; dbreithaupt@N=
MPPENERGY.org; jwoita@NMPPENERGY.org; kgaden@NMPPENERGY.org; lhartgrave@NMP=
PENERGY.org; dpettinger@oppd.com; transprov@oppd.com; aivars.saukants@pacif=
icorp.com; david.cory@pacificorp.com; dick.dowdy@pacificorp.com; lori.wisbe=
ck@pacificorp.com; Theresa.Andres@pacificorp.com; jthomas@pnm.com; dean.luc=
iuk@powerex.com; malcolm.stewart@powerex.com; marzena.piotrowicz@powerex.co=
m; michelle.hiley@powerex.com; 24hourdesk@powersrc.com; dmpetritz@pplmt.com=
; jswilliamson@pplmt.com; btomsky@rmgci.com; kamurdoc@srpnet.com; provo.sly=
nsky@state.ut.us; bhorton@tnsk.com; csamson@tnsk.com; slong@tnsk.com; ariel=
la_weis@transalta.com; clint_korchinski@transalta.com; jade_ward@transalta.=
com; john_esiaw@transalta.com; Karen_Pelley@transalta.com; keith_I_taylor@t=
ransalta.com; marzena_plotrowica@transalta.com; meghana_bhat@transalta.com;=
Murray_Hnatyshyn@transalta.com; wayne_young@transalta.com; mikthe@tristate=
gt.org; shasch@tristategt.org; terry@uamps.com; cevans@utilicorp.com; cherr=
y.smith@williams.com; cyndy.mielke@williams.com; james.donaldson@willliams.=
com; cliff.barker@xemkt.com
Subject:=09Loss Tag Reminder

Transmission Customers:

The Western Area Colorado Missouri control area (WACM) has just implemented=
a new scheduling package and thought this would be a good time to offer a =
reminder about how loss energy tags for delivery to WACM are to be complete=

1. Please ensure that "WACM" is the last PSE on the tag. This is importan=
t as it provides proper credit to the Transmission Customer for losses deli=
2. In the 'Comments' field, please put the words "WACM Losses". If the ta=
gs are for a real-time transaction from the previous week, please indicate =
the date; i.e., "WACM Losses for MM/DD/YY".
3. Prescheduled transactions require a concurrent tagging of loss energy t=
4. Real-time transactions require a return of loss energy to be accomplish=
ed same day, next week, same profile.
5. It is allowable to combine losses due in any day/week/month/season on a=
single tag if that is easier for you to do so. WACM calculates the amount=
of loss energy due from a Transmission Customer per day based on preschedu=
led transaction losses due on Day 0, plus real-time transaction losses due =
from day -7.

We are working with WACM Operations staff to see if, with the new schedulin=
g software implemented, we will be able to accept real-time transaction los=
s energy concurrent with the real-time transaction. If we are able to effe=
ct that change, it will be posted on OASIS and we will get an e-mail off to=
you immediately.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please give me a call or send a=
n e-mail.

Lynn Richardson
Public Utilities Specialist
(970) 461-7440