Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Real Time Confirms - PLEASE READ
Date:Tue, 12 Jun 2001 13:17:38 -0700 (PDT)

Also note - because these deals are being confirmed using the information supplied in Deal Entry, they must be correct in Deal Entry as well as scheduling.


-----Original Message-----
From: Murphy, Melissa Ann
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 1:14 PM
To: Symes, Kate
Cc: Hundl, Kimberly; Smith, Amy; Cason, Sharen
Subject: Re: Real Time Confirms - PLEASE READ

Kate: you might want to also tell the hourly desk if they change something on one of these deals in scheduling they also have to change it in deal entry or the confirm will be wrong and we will get phone calls from the customer.


From: Kate Symes/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/12/2001 03:01 PM
To: Portland Shift@ECT
cc: Melissa Ann Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris H Foster/ENRON@enronXgate

Subject: Real Time Confirms - PLEASE READ

Real Time deals typically don't get confirmed; however, Chris Foster's generation customers have requested that we confirm their deals, whether day-ahead or hour-ahead.

For us, this means we need to pay special attention to the box marked "Confirmation" when entering deals. I know you're all in the habit of marking "No" under this designation, so review the following counterparty names carefully and commit them to memory, because deals with these generators NEED TO BE CONFIRMED.

Harbor Cogeneration
Delano Energy
Atlantic Richfield Co.
Sierra Forest Products
Wheelabrator Martell
Wheelabrator Shasta
Sierra Pacific Holding Co.
Gas Recovery Systems
East Bay MUD

Attached is a list of these counterparty names and corresponding contact information. Feel free to print this out and keep it in a nearby notebook.

Please let Chris or me know if you have any questions.
