Enron Mail

Subject:The Source
Date:Mon, 8 Oct 2001 20:00:47 -0700 (PDT)

The eSource Bulletin October 2001
? Looking for a company's?.?
Business Description Executives/Bios Financials
Facilities Competitors Subsidiaries
SIC Codes Government/SEC Filings Lawsuits
Global Securities Public Records Commodity Pricing
Technical Publications Intellectual Property News
Credit Reports Economic Analysis Global Industries
Market Research Reports Analyst Reports Strategic Alliances/JVs
Global Credit Ratings Mergers & Acquisitions Syndicated Loans
Restructures Corporate Governance Venture Capital

Information is available for public, foreign and private companies on a real-time, historical and forecast basis.
? Where do I look for general information on a company? Company website, Hoovers, Dow Jones Interactive, Nexis-Company Dossier, Yahoo market guide
? Where are corporate financials or equity information? SEC filings (10-K, 10-Q), Analyst reports, Global Disclosure, Dunn & Bradstreet*, Million Dollar Database*, Bloomberg*, Firstcall*, investex*, Multex*
? Where can I find a company's credit rating? Standard & Poors' , Moody's and Fitch
? I cannot find any information on a company, why not?
1. Check the spelling of the company name
2. The company is a subsidiary and/or its parent is a foreign entity (non US)
3. It may be a Private Company (information is not readily available)
4. Contact eSource (http://esource.enron.com/RequestSearch.asp) with your detailed request.
Web Sources Proprietary Databases
General: Bloomberg
www.yahoo.com Dialog
www.fool.com Dun & Bradstreet
www.redherring.com FactSet
www.corporateinformation.com FirstCall
www.allbusiness.com FIS Online
www.moneycentral.msn.com Global Access
General (need password): Hoover's
www.hoovers.com Investex
www.djinteractive.com MillionDollarDatabase
www.nexis.com Moody's
Financial: Multex
www.areport.com SDC
www.sec.gov Standard & Poors
www.financials.com Skyminder
www.tenkwizzard.com LiveEdgar

*Fee-based, available through eSource: 713-853-7877
Check out these and other great web sources at http://esource.enron.com