Enron Mail

To:sean.crandall@enron.com, diana.scholtes@enron.com, mark.fischer@enron.com,tom.alonso@enron.com, holden.salisbury@enron.com, tim.belden@enron.com, mike.swerzbin@enron.com, matt.motley@enron.com, michael.driscoll@enron.com, robert.badeer@enron.com, ti
Subject:Fwd: Federal Operating Plan Proposal
Date:Mon, 16 Apr 2001 16:54:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Greg Wolfe/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 09:58 AM ---------------------------

Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: "Jerry Rust" <Jerry.Rust@nwpp.org< 04/16/2001 09:51 AM

To: <swaples@avistacorp.com<, <pamesa@bpa.gov<, <pfarnold@bpa.gov<, <dearing@chelanpud.org<, <hardev.juj@ci.seattle.wa.us<, <hlubean@dcpud.org<, <gwolfe@ect.enron.com<, <marlene_huntsinger@pgn.com<, <mhunte@puget.com<, <denise_hill@transalta.com<
cc: <sdleonard@earthlink.net<
Subject: Fwd: Federal Operating Plan Proposal

In accordance with our discussion at the NWPP April 13, 2001 Board meeting, attached is BPA's proposed Operating Plan for the summer of 2001. As indicated in the attachment, BPA is looking for comments to be submitted by April 20, 2001.

Individual members of the NWPP may submit their own comments in addition to any comments submitted by NWPP in total.

To allow for a total NWPP response, please provide me your ideas, and staff will formulate a final NWPP response.

In addition to this e-mail to the Board, Mike Hansen will forward the attachments to the members of the CCC asking them to submit comments, and Don Badley will forward the attachments to the members of the OC asking them to submit comments.

Thank you.

Jerry D. Rust
President & Director
Northwest Power Pool
E-mail jerry.rust@nwpp.org

Received: from marble.bpa.gov ([]) by mail.nwpp.org; Fri, 13 Apr 2001 20:15:10 -0700
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From: "Mesa, Philip A - PGPL-5" <pamesa@bpa.gov<
To: "'Jerry Rust'" <jerry.rust@nwpp.org<
Cc: "Arnold, Paul F - TO -DITT2" <pfarnold@bpa.gov<
Subject: Federal Operating Plan Proposal
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 16:07:53 -0700
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Jerry, BPA has released for comment its proposed Operating Plan for the
summer of 2001. I would encourage the NWPP and its members to review and
comment on the plan (see the attached documents below, the first is a
summary and the second is the actual report). As part of the NWPP's mission
is reliability, I would point out that in BPA's recommended alternative, the
PNW winter loss-of-load probability is improved from 26% to 20% by storing
1500 MW-Mo of energy in Treaty storage. BPA concludes that any further
reduction of the loss-of-load probability (to the traditional standard of no
more than 5%) is not effectively achieved by any further storage in
reservoirs. BPA is interested in the NWPP's opinion, especially the opinion
of those members that have hydro generation units downstream from the Treaty
projects (given that their generation and reliability are also tied to
Treaty storage operations). Comments, if any, should be e-mailed to Susan
Cooper at sbcooper@bpa.gov by Friday 4/20/2001. Phil



- OpsPlanSum_Apr13.ppt
- 01OpsPlan_Apr11_F.doc