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----- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/NA/Enron on 12/18/2000 02:02 PM -----
"Woertz, Byron" <BWoertz@caiso.com< Sent by: "Grant, Colleen" <CGrant@caiso.com< 12/18/2000 01:41 PM Please respond to "Sole, Jeanne" To: ISO Market Participants <IMCEAEX-_O=CAISO_OU=CORPORATE_CN=DISTRIBUTION+20LISTS_CN=ISO+20MARKET+20PARTI CIPANTS@caiso.com< cc: Subject: CAISO NOTICE: Bureau of State Audits supoena and document reques t Market Participants and Scheduling Coordinators: On December 4, 2000, the ISO provided notice regarding the subpoena and document request it received from the Bureau of State Audits ("Bureau") for information that is confidential under ISO Tariff Section 20.3.2. This notices requests Market Participants to treat the detailed data request issued by the State Auditor as confidential. In addition this notice updates Market Participants on the ISO's schedule for compliance with the State Auditor's subpoena and data request. The December 4 notice included a detailed data request. The State Auditor has informed the ISO that it considers the detailed data request to be a confidential document and has asked the ISO to inform Market Participants that received the detailed data request that they should treat the document as confidential. The ISO hereby informs Market Participants on behalf of the State Auditor that the detailed data request should be treated as a confidential document. The December 4 notice indicated that the ISO will seek protection for information subject to Section 20.3.4 under the Confidentiality Agreement executed by the ISO and the Bureau. The notice requested that any concerns relating to the Bureau's subpoena and/or document request be communicated to the ISO by 9:00 a.m., December 8th. In response to the notice, several market participants have objected to disclosure of confidential information to the Bureau. Section 20.3.4 of the ISO Tariff provides, in pertinent part, that: "The Market Participant may, at its sole discretion and own cost, direct any challenge to or defense against the disclosure requirement and the ISO shall cooperate with such affected Market Participant to the maximum extent practicable to minimize disclosure of the information consistent with applicable law." In accordance with that provision, objecting Market Participants have the responsibility to pursue more restrictive confidentiality protections to the extent they are disatisfied with the protections in place. Accordingly, the ISO through this notice places Market Participant's on notice that it will release confidential information requested by the State Auditor by the end of this week, if it does not receive an order to the contrary from a Court or the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission by close of business Thursday December 21. The Bureau contact related to the subpoena and document request is Sharon Smagala who can be reached at (916) 445-0255 or sharons@bsa.ca.gov. Generally, Market Participants wishing to contact the ISO in regard to the State Auditor request should direct correspondence and calls to Beth Ann Burns at 916-608-7146 bburns@caiso.com <mailto:bburns@caiso.com< with copies to Charlie Robinson at crobinson@caiso.com <mailto:crobinson@caiso.com< and Norma Formanek at nformanek@fbm.com <mailto:nformanek@fbm.com< . This week, due to holiday vacations, Market Participants should contact Jeanne Sol, 916-608-7144 jsole@caiso.com <mailto:jsole@caiso.com< with copies to Beth Ann Burns, bburns@caiso.com <mailto:bburns@caiso.com< , Charlie Robinson at crobinson@caiso.com <mailto:crobinson@caiso.com< and Norma Formanek at nformanek@fbm.com <mailto:nformanek@fbm.com< . Jeanne M. Sol, Regulatory Counsel California ISO (916) 608-7144 ____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ The Foregoing e-Mail Communication (Together With Any Attachments Thereto) Is Intended For The Designated Recipient(s) Only. Its Terms May Be Confidential And Protected By Attorney/Client Privilege or Other Applicable Privileges. Unauthorized Use, Dissemination, Distribution, Or Reproduction Of This Message Is Strictly Prohibited.