Enron Mail

To:richard.sanders@enron.com, gfergus@brobeck.com, christian.yoder@enron.com
Subject:CAISO Notice: Subpoena from the Attorney General
Date:Fri, 9 Mar 2001 09:51:00 -0800 (PST)

Another subpoena.
---------------------- Forwarded by Steve C Hall/PDX/ECT on 03/09/2001 05:54
PM ---------------------------

"Fuller, Don" <DFuller@caiso.com<@caiso.com< on 03/09/2001 07:33:07 AM
Please respond to "Sole, Jeanne" <JSole@caiso.com<
Sent by: "Happ, Susan" <SHapp@caiso.com<
To: ISO Market Participants

Subject: CAISO Notice: Subpoena from the Attorney General

To Market Participants and Scheduling Coordinators:

The ISO received a subpoena today from the California Attorney General. The
subpoena requires a response March 23. The subpoena and the cover letter are
attached. The cover letter indicates that the Attorney General agrees to
abide by the confidentiality provisions outlined in an October 25, 2000
letter from the Attorney General which is also attached. The CA ISO will
mark as confidential documents it produces to the Attorney General that
contain information subject to 20.3.2, and will request confidential
treatment in accordance with the AG's October 25 letter. Concerns related to
the subpoena should be relayed directly to the Attorney General. The AG
contact related to the subpoena is Richard Rochman who can be reached at
(415) 703-1404. The ISO would appreciate being notified also of any
concerns. The ISO contacts are Jeanne Sol, at jsole@caiso.com
<mailto:jsole@caiso.com< and Norma Formanek at <mailto:nformanek@fbm.com<
nformanek@fbm.com both of whom should be copied on correspondence.
- March7letter.pdf
- March8sub.pdf
- 10-25caisoconfidential1025.doc