Enron Mail

To:pmahoney@enron.com, mary_hain@enron.com, robert.williams@enron.com,james_d_steffes@enron.com, richard_b_sanders@enron.com, rshapiro@enron.com, jkeller@enron.com, robin_tompkins.ccmail@enron.com, mday@gmssr.com, llopez3@enron.com
Subject:CPUC Subpoena Issues
Cc:jdasovic@ees.enron.com, mpetroch@enron.com, smara@ees.enron.com,smccubbi@ees.enron.com
Bcc:jdasovic@ees.enron.com, mpetroch@enron.com, smara@ees.enron.com,smccubbi@ees.enron.com
Date:Wed, 27 Sep 2000 07:17:00 -0700 (PDT)

Status Report:

I spoke with Harvey Morris and the negotiation for an extension of time will
take place Friday morning. He warned me not to expect 6 weeks, as that time
was required to negotiate and produce a protective order/confidentiality
agreement with the generators who received the first subpoenas. He did
acknowledge that an extension was required, but made two points: first,
that the staff is under tremendous pressure to hurry its investigation, and
secondly, that providing a partial response to requests that can be
accomodated quickly will be greatly appreciated "as a show of good faith".
He also indicated that the most recent batch of subpoenas went to almost 120

I will try to get as much of the 6 weeks as I can. It would assist me if
representatives of EES and EPMI could scan the requests to see if, in fact,
there are items which could be provided in a shorter time frame and which
would not raise concerns about the disclosure of commercially sensitive
information. I would like to be able to bargain for more time by offering
some information in the near term....if the strategy is to be give what we
can and strongly resist the most sensitive information.

Mike Day