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Robin or Jeff----Please call me after this conf. call and let me kow whether
there are any developmments. ----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2001 09:18 AM ----- "Healey, Chris" <chealey@LUCE.com< 03/05/2001 02:48 PM To: "Alexander, Jeff" <jalexander@gibbs-bruns.com<, "Allen, Gretchen" <gallen@bakerbotts.com<, "Bailey, Brent" <bbailey@duke-energy.com<, "Beh, James" <james.beh@troutmansanders.com<, "Benzian, Peter" <peter.benzian@lw.com<, "Bestor, Geoffrey" <BestorG@dsmo.com<, "Bliss, Erik" <erik.bliss@lw.com<, "Brooks, John T." <jtbrooks@luce.com<, "Brown, Heather" <heather.brown@williams.com<, "Butswinkas, Dane" <dbutswinkas@wc.com<, "Chapin, Edward" <echapin@chapinlaw.com<, "Chasin, Charlie" <charles.chasin@msdw.com<, "Coleman, Ran" <rcoleman@duke-energy.com<, "Copeland, Greg" <gcopeland@bakerbotts.com<, "Costa, Jennifer" <jennifer.costa@neg.pge.com<, "Cottle, Lisa" <lcottle@whitecase.com<, "Davenport, Hugh" <hugh.davenport@mirant.com<, "Davidson, Jeffrey" <jeffrey_davidson@la.kirkland.com<, "Edwards, Brady" <brady.edwards@bakerbotts.com<, "Edwards, Robert Jr." <robert.edwards@troutmansanders.com<, "Eisenstat, Larry" <EisenstatL@dsmo.com<, "Fallon, Robert" <FallonR@dsmo.com<, "Fergus, G." <GFergus@brobeck.com<, "Forrest, Kirk" <kirk.forrest@williams.com<, "Frizzell, Jean" <jfrizzell@gibbs-bruns.com<, "Gammie, John" <john.gammie@williams.com<, "Gibbs, Robin" <sbishop@gibbs-bruns.com<, "Goldberg, Alex" <alex.goldberg@williams.com<, "Guzman, Jose" <jguzman@nossaman.com<, "Halling, Gary" <ghalling@smrh.com<, "Hamer, Mark" <mhamer@graycary.com<, "Harris, Scott" <scott.harris@nrgenergy.com<, "Hartman, Sanford" <sanford.hartman@neg.pge.com<, "Healey, Christopher" <chealey@luce.com<, "Hein, Jennifer" <jennifer.hein@neg.pge.com<, "Herbert, John" <jche@dynegy.com<, "Herman, Stephen" <steve.herman@neg.pge.com<, "Hershberger, John" <hershberger@scmv.com<, "Hixson, Thomas" <thixson@mdbe.com<, "Holcomb, Bruce" <HolcombB@dsmo.com<, "Houlihan, Terry" <thoulihan@mdbe.com<, "Jines, Mike" <mike-jines@reliantenergy.com<, "Kadzik, Peter" <KadzikP@dsmo.com<, "Karp, Joseph" <jkarp@whitecase.com<, "Kass, Michael" <mkass@pillsburywinthrop.com<, "Katz, Bruno" <bkatz@chapinlaw.com<, "Kennedy, Thomas" <tkennedy@mdbe.com<, "Kirby, Michael" <dcastro@pkns.com<, "Kleinman, Joel" <KleinmanJ@dsmo.com<, "Lane, Linda" <llane@graycary.com<, "Leone, Michael" <leone@scmv.com<, "Leslie, John" <jleslie@luce.com<, "Mattes, Martin" <mmattes@nossaman.com<, "Maxwell, Melissa" <mmaxwell@bakerbotts.com<, "McMahon, Gerald" <mcmahon@scmv.com<, "McManus, Randy" <rmcmanus@bakerbotts.com<, "Merryman, Bryan" <bmerryman@whitecase.com<, "Miller, Lisa" <millerl@dsmo.com<, "Mittelstaedt, Robert" <rmittelstaedt@PillsburyWinthrop.com<, "Muller, Tim" <tim.muller@williams.com<, "Murphy, Harlan" <Hemu@dynegy.com<, "Murphy, Tanya" <tanya.murphy@neg.pge.com<, "Newton, Joel" <jdne@dynegy.com<, "Nissen, Neha" <nnissen@mdbe.com<, "Noonan, David" <djn@pkns.com<, "Pallenik, Christine" <cmpallenik@duke-energy.com<, "Paul, Joe" <jmpa@dynegy.com<, "Pedersen, Norman" <napedersen@jonesday.com<, "Perlis, Mark" <PerlisM@dsmo.com<, "Peters, Mary Lou" <marylou.peters@msdw.com<, "Pickens, A." <apickens@gibbs-bruns.com<, "Pickett, Donn" <dpickett@mdbe.com<, "Raber, Stephen" <sraber@wc.com<, "Rice Kelly, Hugh" <light-kelly@reliantenergy.com<, "Richardson, Tony" <tony_richardson@la.kirkland.com<, "Roppe, Laura" <roppe@scmv.com<, "Russell, JoAnn" <jprussell@duke-energy.com<, "Sanders, Richard" <richard.b.sanders@enron.com<, "Sauntry, June Ann" <juneann.sauntry@troutmansanders.com<, "Shohet, Jeffrey" <jshohet@graycary.com<, "Smith, Mike" <msmith1@enron.com<, "Sottosanti, Martha" <msottosanti@smrh.com<, "Springer, James" <SpringerJ@dsmo.com<, "Starbird, Zackary" <zack.starbird@mirant.com<, "Steiner, Robert" <rsteiner@luce.com<, "Sturgeon, John" <jsturgeon@whitecase.com<, "Taylor, Timothy" <ttaylor@smrh.com<, "Tiffany, Joseph II" <jtiffany@pillsburywinthrop.com<, "Tribble, Douglas" <dtribble@pillsburywinthrop.com<, "Varner, Carlton" <cvarner@smrh.com<, "Wall, Dan" <dan.wall@lw.com<, "Weaver, Michael" <mike.weaver@lw.com<, "Wiegmann, Hack" <hwiegmann@wc.com<, "Williams, Robert" <robert.c.williams@enron.com<, "Zdebski, Charles" <charles.zdebski@troutmansanders.com< cc: Subject: Conference Call - Cal Wholesale Electricity Cases CONFIDENTIAL: JOINT DEFENSE - HENDRICKS As referenced in my email Friday, we have scheduled the conference call for 10 am (PST) on Tuesday, March 6. The dial-in number is 1-800-210-5603 (5047289#). The 10 am start time is a change from our initial plan, given that some of us have a conflict at the previously-arranged time of 11 am (PST). My suggested agenda is as follows: 1. MDL Status and Schedule (Greg Copeland, Brady Edwards) 2. Status of SD Cases 2.1 Motion to stay; ex-parte application 2.2 Status of Gas Cases (Doug Tribble) 2.3 Sweetwater removal 2.4 Preparation for March 26 hearing 3. Status of SF Cases 3.1 Motion to stay (McCutchen) 3.2 Remand motion - opposition briefing due March 16 3.3 Pier 23 Assignment status 3.4 Preparation for April 6 hearing 4. Scheduling - All Cases 5. Report on Generator Discovery Issues (Norman Pedersen) 6. JDA (Mark Hamer) 7. Other Issues? Regards. ************** CONFIDENTIAL Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps LLP 600 West Broadway Suite 2600 San Diego, CA 92101-3391 (619) 236-1414 The information contained in this electronic mail transmission is confidential and intended to be sent only to the stated recipient of the transmission. It may therefore be protected from unauthorized use or dissemination by the attorney-client and/or attorney work-product privileges. If you are not the intended recipient or the intended recipient's agent, you are hereby notified that any review, use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. You are also asked to notify us immediately by telephone and to delete this transmission with any attachments and destroy all copies in any form. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.