Enron Mail

Subject:DOJ Indiana Investigation: Privileged & Confidential
Date:Wed, 8 Mar 2000 22:43:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 03/09/2000
06:41 AM ---------------------------

"Yde, Paul L." <pyde@velaw.com< on 02/23/2000 02:09:46 PM
To: Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: "Tetrault, Charles D." <ctetrault@velaw.com<
Subject: DOJ Indiana Investigation: Privileged & Confidential

Richard -- Yesterday, I received a call from Jill Ptacek, a lawyer from the
DOJ's Antitrust Division, regarding the remaining aspects of the DOJ's
Indiana Energy Investigation. She has requested an interview with an Enron
employee who can describe Enron's experience in obtaining capacity on the
Texas Gas (Williams) and Panhandle (CMS) pipelines in Indiana. The DOJ is
investigating whether Proliance is using its its significant capacity rights
on these pipelines to exclude or disadvantage third parties seeking access
in central Indiana. Ptacek is requesting an interview this week or next
week. Please let me know who we can make available for 60-90 minutes.
Thanks. -- Paul Yde (202-639-6685)




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